strings_ela_k2 = {
"actions": [
"desc": "Focus each lesson on a high-quality text (or multiple texts).",
"indicators": [
"desc": "A majority of the lesson is spent listening to, reading, writing, or speaking about text(s).",
"ratings": [
"label": "The lesson is focused on a text or multiple texts.",
"value": "Yes"
"label": "There is no text under consideration in this lesson.",
"value": "No"
"desc": "The anchor text(s)[i] are at or above the complexity level expected for the grade and time in the school year[i].",
"ratings": [
"label": "The text(s) are at or above both the qualitative and quantitative complexity expected for the grade and time in the school year.",
"value": "Yes"
"label": "The text(s) are not above both the qualitative and quantitative complexity expected for the grade and time in the school year.",
"value": "No"
"desc": "The text(s) exhibit exceptional craft and thought and/or provide meaningful information in the service of building knowledge; where appropriate, the text(s) are richly illustrated.",
"ratings": [
"label": "The text(s) exhibits exceptional craft and thought and/or provides meaningful information in the service of building knowledge.",
"value": "Yes"
"label": "The text(s) does not exhibit exceptional craft and thought and/or provide meaningful information in the service of building knowledge.",
"value": "No"
"num": 1,
"sub": null
"desc": "Employ questions and tasks, both oral and written, that are text-specific and accurately address the analytical thinking required by the grade-level standards.",
"indicators": [
"desc": "Questions and tasks address the text by attending to its particular qualitative features: its meaning/purpose and/or language, structure(s), or knowledge demands.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Most questions and tasks attend to the qualitative features of the text to build understanding.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Many questions and tasks attend to the qualitative features of the text to build understanding.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Few questions and tasks attend to the qualitative features of the text to build understanding.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Questions and tasks do not attend to the qualitative features of the text to build understanding.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "Questions and tasks require students to use evidence from the text to demonstrate understanding and to support their ideas about the text. These ideas are expressed through a variety of means (e.g., drawing, writing, dramatic play, speaking).",
"ratings": [
"label": "Most questions and tasks require students to cite evidence from the text.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Many questions and tasks require students to cite evidence from the text.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Few questions and tasks require students to cite evidence from the text.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Questions and tasks can be answered without evidence from the text.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "Questions and tasks attend to the words (academic vocabulary), phrases and sentences within the text.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Vocabulary questions and tasks consistently focus students on the words, phrases, and sentences that matter most and how they are used in the text.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Vocabulary questions and tasks mostly focus students on the words that matter most and how they are used in the text.",
"value": "3"
"label": " Vocabulary questions and tasks rarely focus students on the words that matter most and how they are used in the text.",
"value": "2"
"label": "No questions and tasks focus students on the words that matter most and how they are used in the text.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "Questions are sequenced to build knowledge by guiding students to delve deeper into the text and graphics.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Most questions and tasks are intentionally sequenced to support building knowledge.",
"value": "4"
"label": " Some questions and tasks are intentionally sequenced to support building knowledge.",
"value": "3"
"label": " Few questions and tasks are intentionally sequenced to support building knowledge.",
"value": "2"
"label": " Questions and tasks seem random and are not intentionally sequenced to support building knowledge.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"num": 2,
"sub": null
"desc": "Provide all students with opportunities to engage in the work of the lesson.",
"indicators": [
"desc": "The teacher poses questions and tasks for students to do the majority of the work: speaking/listening, reading, and/or writing. Students do the majority of the work of the lesson. ",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities, and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher cultivates reasoning and meaning making by allowing students to productively struggle.\nStudents persevere through difficulty.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher expects evidence and precision from students and probes students\u2019 answers accordingly. Students provide text evidence to support their ideas and display precision in their oral and/or written responses.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher creates the conditions for student conversations where students are encouraged to talk about each other\u2019s thinking. Students talk and ask questions about each other\u2019s thinking, in order to clarify or improve their understanding.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher deliberately checks for understanding throughout the lesson and adapts the lesson according to student understanding. When appropriate, students refine written and/or oral responses.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "When appropriate, the teacher explicitly attends to strengthening students\u2019 language and reading foundational skills. Students demonstrate use of language conventions and decoding skills, activating such strategies as needed to read, write, and speak with grade-level fluency and skill.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"num": 3,
"sub": null
"footnotes": [
"1. Refer to Common Core Shifts at a Glance ( and the K-2 Publishers' Criteria for the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy ( for additional information about the Shifts required by the CCSS.",
"2. Intended for texts read aloud by the teacher in grades K-2. Evaluations of text complexity are only applicable to student reading materials beginning in grade 2. Refer to for resources to help analyze the complexity of texts.",
"3. Indicator 3E is only applicable during a Foundational Skills lesson.",
"4. Anchor texts are texts used as the centerpiece of instructional time, distinct from varied texts students might read on their own for a variety of purposes."
strings_ela_312 = {
"actions": [
"desc": "Focus each lesson on a high-quality text (or multiple texts).",
"indicators": [
"desc": "A majority of the lesson is spent reading, writing, or speaking about text(s).",
"ratings": [
"label": "The lesson is focused on a text or multiple texts.",
"value": "Yes"
"label": "There is no text under consideration in this lesson.",
"value": "No"
"desc": "The anchor text(s)[i] are at or above the complexity level expected for the grade and time in the school year[i].",
"ratings": [
"label": "The text(s) are at or above both the qualitative and quantitative complexity expected for the grade and time in the school year.",
"value": "Yes"
"label": "The text(s) are below both the qualitative and quantitative complexity expected for the grade and time in the school year.",
"value": "No"
"desc": "The text(s) exhibit exceptional craft and thought and/or provide meaningful information in the service of building knowledge.",
"ratings": [
"label": "The text(s) exhibit exceptional craft and thought and/or provides meaningful information in the service of building knowledge.",
"value": "Yes"
"label": "The text(s) do not exhibit exceptional craft and thought and/or provide meaningful information in the service of building knowledge.",
"value": "No"
"num": 1,
"sub": null
"desc": "Employ questions and tasks, both oral and written, that are text-specific and accurately address the analytical thinking required by the grade-level standards.",
"indicators": [
"desc": "Questions and tasks address the text by attending to its particular qualitative features: its meaning/purpose and/or language, structure(s), or knowledge demands.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Most questions and tasks attend to the qualitative features of the text to build understanding.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Many questions and tasks attend to the qualitative features of the text to build understanding.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Few questions and tasks attend to the qualitative features of the text to build understanding.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Questions and tasks do not attend to the qualitative features of the text to build understanding.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "Questions and tasks require students to use evidence from the text to demonstrate understanding and to support their ideas about the text. These ideas are expressed through written and/or oral responses.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Most questions and tasks require students to cite evidence from the text.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Many questions and tasks require students to cite evidence from the text.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Few questions and tasks require students to cite evidence from the text.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Questions and tasks can be answered without evidence from the text.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "Questions and tasks attend to the words (academic vocabulary), phrases and sentences within the text.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Vocabulary questions and tasks consistently focus students on the words, phrases, and sentences that matter most and how they are used in the text.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Vocabulary questions and tasks mostly focus students on the words that matter most and how they are used in the text.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Vocabulary questions and tasks rarely focus students on the words that matter most and how they are used in the text.",
"value": "2"
"label": "No questions and tasks focus students on the words that matter most and how they are used in the text.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "Questions and tasks are sequenced to build knowledge by guiding students to delve deeper into the text and graphics.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Most questions and tasks are intentionally sequenced to support building knowledge.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Some questions and tasks are intentionally sequenced to support building knowledge.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Few questions and tasks are intentionally sequenced to support building knowledge.",
"value": "2"
"label": " Questions and tasks seem random and are not intentionally sequenced to support building knowledge.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"num": 2,
"sub": null
"desc": "Provide all students with opportunities to engage in the work of the lesson.",
"indicators": [
"desc": "The teacher poses questions and tasks for students to do the majority of the work: speaking/listening, reading, and/or writing. Students do the majority of the work of the lesson.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher cultivates reasoning and meaning making by allowing students to productively struggle. Students persevere through difficulty.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher expects evidence and precision from students and probes students\u2019 answers accordingly. Students provide text evidence to support their ideas and display precision in their oral and/or written responses.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher creates the conditions for student conversations where students are encouraged to talk about each other\u2019s thinking. Students talk and ask questions about each other\u2019s thinking, in order to clarify or improve their understanding.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher deliberately checks for understanding throughout the lesson and adapts the lesson according to student understanding. When appropriate, students refine written and/or oral responses.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "When appropriate, the teacher explicitly attends to strengthening students\u2019 language and reading foundational skills. [i]Students demonstrate use of language conventions and decoding skills, activating such strategies as needed to read, write, and speak with grade-level fluency and skill.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"num": 3,
"sub": null
"footnotes": [
"1. Refer to Common Core Shifts at a Glance ( and the 3-12 Publishers' Criteria for the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy ( for additional information about the Shifts required by the CCSS.",
"2. Refer to for text complexity resources.",
"3. The CCSS for Reading: Foundational Skills are applicable for grades 3-5 only.",
"4. Anchor texts are texts used as the centerpiece of instructional time, distinct from varied texts students might read on their own for a variety of purposes."
strings_math_k8 = {
"actions": [
"desc": "Ensure the work of the enacted lesson reflects the Focus, Coherence, and Rigor required by college- and career-ready standards in mathematics.",
"indicators": [
"desc": "The enacted lesson focuses on the grade-level cluster(s), grade-level content standard(s), or part(s) thereof.",
"ratings": [
"label": "The lesson focuses only on mathematics within the grade-level standards.",
"value": "Yes"
"label": "The lesson focuses on mathematics outside the grade-level standards.",
"value": "No"
"desc": "The enacted lesson appropriately relates new content to math content within or across grades.",
"ratings": [
"label": "The lesson builds on students\u2019 prior skills and understandings.",
"value": "Yes"
"label": "The lesson does not connect or has weak connections to students\u2019 prior skills and understandings.",
"value": "No"
"desc": "The enacted lesson intentionally targets the aspect(s) of Rigor (conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, application) called for by the standard(s) being addressed.",
"ratings": [
"label": "The enacted lesson explicitly targets the aspect(s) of Rigor called for by the standard(s) being addressed.",
"value": "Yes"
"label": "The enacted lesson targets aspects of Rigor that are not appropriate for the standard(s) being addressed.",
"value": "No"
"num": 1,
"sub": null
"desc": "Employ instructional practices that allow all students to learn the content of the lesson.",
"indicators": [
"desc": "The teacher makes the mathematics of the lesson explicit through the use of explanations, representations, tasks, and/or examples.",
"ratings": [
"label": "A variety of instructional techniques and examples are used to make the mathematics of the lesson clear.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Examples are used to make the mathematics of the lesson clear.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Instruction is limited to showing students how to get the answer.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Instruction is not focused on the mathematics of the lesson.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher strengthens all students\u2019 understanding of the content by strategically sharing students\u2019 representations and/or solution methods.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Student solution methods are shared, and connections to the mathematics are explicit and purposeful. If applicable, connections between the methods are examined.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Student solution methods are shared, and some mathematical connections are made between them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Student solution methods are shared, but few connections are made to strengthen student understanding.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Student solution methods are not shared.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher deliberately checks for understanding throughout the lesson to surface misconceptions and opportunities for growth, and adapts the lesson according to student understanding.",
"ratings": [
"label": "There are checks for understanding used throughout the lesson to assess progress of all students, and adjustments to instruction are made in response, as needed.",
"value": "4"
"label": "There are checks for understanding used throughout the lesson to assess progress of some students; minimal adjustments are made to instruction, even when adjustments are appropriate.",
"value": "3"
"label": "There are few checks for understanding, or the progress of only a few students is assessed. Instruction is not adjusted based on students\u2019 needs.",
"value": "2"
"label": "There are no checks for understanding; therefore, no adjustments are made to instruction.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher facilitates the summary of the mathematics with references to student work and discussion in order to reinforce the purpose of the lesson.",
"ratings": [
"label": "The lesson includes a summary with references to student work and discussion that reinforces the mathematics.",
"value": "4"
"label": "The lesson includes a summary with a focus on the mathematics.",
"value": "3"
"label": " The lesson includes a summary with limited focus on the mathematics.",
"value": "2"
"label": "The lesson includes no summary of the mathematics.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"num": 2,
"sub": null
"desc": "Provide all students with opportunities to exhibit mathematical practices while engaging with the content of the lesson.",
"indicators": [
"desc": "The teacher provides opportunities for all students to work with and practice grade-level problems and exercises. Students work with and practice grade-level problems and exercises.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher cultivates reasoning and problem solving by allowing students to productively struggle. Students persevere in solving problems in the face of difficulty.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher poses questions and problems that prompt students to explain their thinking about the content of the lesson. Students share their thinking about the content of the lesson beyond just stating answers.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher creates the conditions for student conversations where students are encouraged to talk about each other\u2019s thinking. Students talk and ask questions about each other\u2019s thinking, in order to clarify or improve their own mathematical understanding.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"desc": "The teacher connects and develops students\u2019 informal language and mathematical ideas to precise mathematical language and ideas. Students use increasingly precise mathematical language and ideas.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"label": "Not Observed",
"value": "5"
"num": 3,
"sub": null
"footnotes": [
"1. Refer to Common Core Shifts at a Glance ( and the K-8 Publishers' Criteria for the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics ( for additional information about the Shifts required by the CCSS.",
"2. These actions may be viewed over the course of 2-3 class periods.",
"3. There is not a one-to-one correspondence between the indicators for this Core Action and the Standards for Mathematical Practice. These indicators represent the Standards for Mathematical Practice that are most easily observed during instruction.",
"4. There is not a one-to-one correspondence between the indicators for Core Action 3 and the Standards for Mathematical Practice. These indicators represent the Standards for Mathematical Practice that are most easily observed during instruction. Some portions of Core Action 3 have been adapted from \u2018Looking for Standards in the Mathematics Classroom\u2019 5x8 card published by the Strategic Education Research Partnership ( Some or most of the indicators and student behaviors should be observable in every lesson, though not all will be evident in all lessons. For more information on teaching practices, see NCTM\u2019s publication Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All for eight Mathematics Teaching Practices listed under the principle of Teaching and Learning (",
"5. Some or most of the indicators and student behaviors should be observable in every lesson, though not all will be evident in all lessons."
strings_math_hs = {
"actions": [
"desc": "Ensure the work of the enacted lesson reflects the Focus, Coherence, and Rigor required by college- and career-ready standards in mathematics.",
"indicators": [
"desc": "The enacted lesson focuses on the course-level cluster(s), course-level content standard(s), or part(s) thereof.",
"ratings": [
"label": "The enacted lesson focuses only on mathematics within the course-level standards.",
"value": "Yes"
"label": "The enacted lesson focuses on mathematics outside the course-level standards.",
"value": "No"
"desc": "The enacted lesson appropriately relates new content to math content within or across grades.",
"ratings": [
"label": "The lesson builds on students\u2019 prior skills and understandings.",
"value": "Yes"
"label": "The enacted lesson does not connect or has weak connections to students\u2019 prior skills and understandings.",
"value": "No"
"desc": "The enacted lesson intentionally targets the aspect(s) of Rigor (conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, application) called for by the standard(s) being addressed.",
"ratings": [
"label": "The enacted lesson explicitly targets the aspect(s) of Rigor called for by the standard(s) being addressed.",
"value": "Yes"
"label": "The enacted lesson targets aspects of Rigor that are not appropriate for the standard(s) being addressed.",
"value": "No"
"num": 1,
"sub": null
"desc": "Employ instructional practices that allow all students to learn the content of the lesson.",
"indicators": [
"desc": "The teacher makes the mathematics of the lesson explicit through the use of explanations, representations, tasks, and/or examples.",
"ratings": [
"label": "A variety of instructional techniques and examples are used to make the mathematics of the lesson clear.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Examples are used to make the mathematics of the lesson clear.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Instruction is limited to showing students how to get the answer.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Instruction is not focused on the mathematics of the lesson.",
"value": "1"
"desc": "The teacher strengthens all students\u2019 understanding of the content by strategically sharing students\u2019 representations and/or solution methods.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Student solution methods are shared, and connections to the mathematics are explicit and purposeful. If applicable, connections",
"value": "4"
"label": "Student solution methods are shared, and some mathematical connections are made between them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Student solution methods are shared, but few connections are made to strengthen student understanding.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Student solution methods are not shared.",
"value": "1"
"desc": "The teacher deliberately checks for understanding throughout the lesson to surface misconceptions and opportunities for growth, and adapts the lesson according to student understanding.",
"ratings": [
"label": "There are checks for understanding used throughout the lesson to assess progress of all students, and adjustments to instruction are made in response, as needed.",
"value": "4"
"label": "There are checks for understanding used throughout the lesson to assess progress of some students; minimal adjustments are made to instruction, even when adjustments are appropriate.",
"value": "3"
"label": "There are few checks for understanding, or the progress of only a few students is assessed. Instruction is not adjusted based on students\u2019 needs.",
"value": "2"
"label": "There are no checks for understanding; therefore, no adjustments are made to instruction.",
"value": "1"
"desc": "The teacher facilitates the summary of the mathematics with references to student work and discussion in order to reinforce the purpose of the lesson.",
"ratings": [
"label": "The lesson includes a summary with references to student work and discussion that reinforces the mathematics.",
"value": "4"
"label": "The lesson includes a summary with a focus on the mathematics.",
"value": "3"
"label": " The lesson includes a summary with limited focus on the mathematics.",
"value": "2"
"label": "The lesson includes no summary of the mathematics.",
"value": "1"
"num": 2,
"sub": null
"desc": "Provide all students with opportunities to exhibit mathematical practices while engaging with the content of the lesson.",
"indicators": [
"desc": "The teacher provides opportunities for all students to work with and practice course-level problems and exercises. Students work with and practice course-level problems and exercises.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"desc": "The teacher cultivates reasoning and problem solving by allowing students to productively struggle. Students persevere in solving problems in the face of difficulty.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"desc": "The teacher poses questions and problems that prompt students to explain their thinking about the content of the lesson. Students share their thinking about the content of the lesson beyond just stating answers.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"desc": "The teacher creates the conditions for student conversations where students are encouraged to talk about each other\u2019s thinking. Students talk and ask questions about each other\u2019s thinking, in order to clarify or improve their own mathematical understanding.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"desc": "The teacher connects and develops students\u2019 informal language and mathematical ideas to precise mathematical language and ideas. Students use increasingly precise mathematical language and ideas.",
"ratings": [
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities, and most students take them.",
"value": "4"
"label": "Teacher provides many opportunities and some students take them; or teacher provides some opportunities and most students take them.",
"value": "3"
"label": "Teacher provides some opportunities and some students take them.",
"value": "2"
"label": "Teacher provides few or no opportunities, or few or very few students take the opportunities provided.",
"value": "1"
"num": 3,
"sub": null
"footnotes": [
"1. Refer to Common Core Shifts at a Glance ( and the High School Publishers' Criteria for the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics ( for additional information about the Shifts required by the CCSS.",
"2. These actions may be viewed over the course of 2-3 class periods.",
"3. There is not a one-to-one correspondence between the indicators for this Core Action and the Standards for Mathematical Practice. These indicators represent the Standards for Mathematical Practice that are most easily observed during instruction.",
"4. There is not a one-to-one correspondence between the indicators for Core Action 3 and the Standards for Mathematical Practice. These indicators represent the Standards for Mathematical Practice that are most easily observed during instruction. Some portions of Core Action 3 have been adapted from \u2018Looking for Standards in the Mathematics Classroom\u2019 5x8 card published by the Strategic Education Research Partnership ( Some or most of the indicators and student behaviors should be observable in every lesson, though not all will be evident in all lessons. For more information on teaching practices, see NCTM\u2019s publication Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All for eight Mathematics Teaching Practices listed under the principle of Teaching and Learning (",
"5. Some or most of the indicators and student behaviors should be observable in every lesson, though not all will be evident in all lessons."