Synergy between College and Career Readiness Standards-Aligned Instruction and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Synergy between College and Career Readiness Standards-Aligned Instruction and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Part null Introduction to Argument Writing A long-time middle school teacher and writing expert explains how to design strong writing instruction 10/14/16, Joey Hawkins
Part null Training Materials for the ELA/Literacy IMET New training modules on the IMET’s Non-Negotiables and Alignment Criteria 10/12/16, Student Achievement Partners
Part null Four APPS to Redefine Your Language Arts Curriculum Focusing on building a student-centered classroom through digital applications 10/05/16, Bryan Drost
Part null Assessment Item Alignment Modules Learn how examining assessment items can be a source of professional development and deepen your understanding of the Shifts 09/19/16, Shelbi Cole, Katie Keown
Part 2 Piloting New Curriculum Options with Educators Learn about OUSD’s piloting process and find out what teachers thought of three popular ELA/literacy programs 09/01/16, Student Achievement Partners
Part null Lessons from the Fordham Assessment Review One of the reviewers explains how the assessment review was conducted and what the findings mean for educators and students. 08/23/16, Amy Youngblood
Part 3 Reason Abstractly and Quantitatively A math teacher explains how well-designed materials can help students learn to deal with challenging math problems 05/13/16, Sarah Galasso
Part 10 Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching How building specific mathematical knowledge in teachers can strengthen classroom instruction 03/07/16, Illustrative Mathematics
Part 9 Creating a Conducive Environment for Teachers to Adapt Materials An administrator’s guide to promoting teacher innovation 02/26/16, Andrew Davis
Part null Why We’re Choosing Instructional Materials Blindly A Brookings Institution report explains how much we DON’T know about instructional materials in use in today’s classrooms. 02/05/16, Student Achievement Partners
Part 7 Using Complex Texts with All Readers A reading interventionist explains the strategies she uses to help struggling readers benefit from complex texts. 01/27/16, Katherine Linnehan
Part null Decision-Making that Matters: 10 Ways Teachers Can Impact Curricular Decisions A high school English teacher shares 10 ways classroom teachers can influence curriculum 01/20/16, Lauren Trahan
Part null Top Five Ways to Improve Your Basal Reading Program If you’re not satisfied with your current basal reading program, here are five things you can do to improve it. 01/11/16, Student Achievement Partners
Part null Top Five Ways to Make the Most of Your Math Materials If you’re not satisfied with the quality and CCSS-alignment of your existing math materials, here are five tips to improve them. 01/05/16, Student Achievement Partners
Part null Choosing Wisely: A Strategic Approach to Curriculum in Duval County An interview with Dr. Nikolai P. Vitti, Superintendent of Duval County Public Schools 12/21/15
Part null The EQuIP Review Process and Rubric Achieve created a rubric and review process to facilitate peer reviews 10/08/15, Student Achievement Partners