Research and Reflections
Delve into new research and perspectives on instructional materials and practice.
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Children Should be Seen AND Heard

Collaborating for Multilingual Learners in the Real World

High-Quality Curriculum Raised the Bar, But Not High Enough

Research-based AND Responsive

Constantly Shifting Practice

Developing Language and Literacy With Children’s Literature and Through the Lens of a Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy

We’ve Come a Long Way, Fast

Educator Reflections, Part 2: Planning and Reflecting with Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

Educator Reflections, Part 1: Planning and Reflecting with Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

Millions Saw the Apple Fall, but Newton Asked Why

Being Intentional About Text Selection Is Key to Equitable Instruction

What Does It Mean to Learn from a Mistake?

Preparing to Teach in a Culturally Relevant Way

Parent Engagement and the Case for Instructional Rounds

Learning From Mistakes: Easier Said Than Done

Standardized Assessment from the Student Perspective

Novice Wisdom

What Role Do Teachers Play in Empowering Students?

The Impact of Positive Representation in the Classroom

Low Expectations Are Prevalent but Preventable

Prioritizing Your Work During Times of Overload

Debunking the Myth of the “Math Person”

What Is Academic Success (Student Learning)?

Learning New Tricks

Greeting Mistakes with a Smile and a Question

To Teach the Truth

Prerequisites in Mathematics

Helping Our Students See Themselves and the World Through the Books They Read in Our Classrooms

What’s in a name?

Hip-Hop and Education. An Odd Couple No More!

“SCCANning” Your Library for Culturally Relevant Books

The Power of Students’ Self-Perception

Amplifying Student Brilliance in Mathematics Is Critical

The Power of Representation in Culturally Relevant Texts

You Can’t Tackle Culturally Responsive Teaching Without Addressing Teacher Language Ideologies

Why A Skills-Based Approach Is Failing Students in Reading

On English Learners and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

On Student Genius and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

On Hip Hop and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy

Let’s Not Make Power ELA/Literacy Standards and Talk About Why We Didn’t

Beyond the “Magic Bullet”: Lessons on the Integration of High-Quality Instructional Materials and Personalized Learning

Feeling Good About Being “Bad” at Math

Every Student Can Learn

Dual Immersion Instruction: The Promise of Equitable, Effective Instruction for English Learners

What the Data Can’t Tell Us

Transforming Literacy Instruction

Knowledge-Building Model Lessons for Middle and High School

What Principles Must Underlie Successful Personalized Learning?

Is it Possible to Use Personalized Learning to Accelerate Students’ Literacy Outcomes in the Time of COVID?

Two Facts: We Are Better Together, And We Can Do Hard Things

How Honestly Willing Are We to Create Equitable Opportunities and Experiences for All Students?

Growing Your Craft, Virtually!

Why Teaching Justice Through Reading & Writing Cannot Wait

You Have a List of Culturally Diverse Texts. Now What?

Digital Coaching Menus Bring the Professional Learning Principles To Life

What to Consider if You’re Adopting a New ELA/Literacy Curriculum

Not Your Mom’s Professional Development

Designing for Equity (Teachers as Designers)

Finding the Courage to Teach Texts Outside Your Comfort Zone (2019 Blog Competition Finalist)

Creating a Culture of Shared Norms and High Expectations in Your Classroom (2019 Blog Competition Finalist)

Say “Author” (2019 Blog Competition Finalist)