Synergy between College and Career Readiness Standards-Aligned Instruction and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Synergy between College and Career Readiness Standards-Aligned Instruction and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Part null Observing Reading Foundational Skills Instruction Introducing a new tool to observe the components of foundational skills instruction 10/23/18, Carey Swanson
Part null Building A Culturally Responsive Classroom Why building a culturally responsive classroom matters for the success of ALL students 09/07/18, Jill Yamasawa Fletcher
Part null Making the Connection Between Materials and Instruction Why instructional practice should be at the heart of all instructional materials decisions 08/20/18, Sandra Alberti
Part null Seeing College- and Career-Ready Standards through Instruction Exploring the updates to the Instructional Practice Guide 08/15/18, Lisa Goldschmidt
Part null Creating and Sequencing Text-Dependent Questions to Support English Language Learners Strategic selection and organization of questions can be a scaffold that helps English learners grapple with highly complex questions. 08/01/18, Claire Rivero
Part null The Digital Coaching Menu: Four Reasons Why You Need One Providing teachers with content-focused options for coaching support 01/25/18, Kenny McKee
Part null The Wild West of Open Literacy Materials Identifying and using high-quality, ELA Open Educational Resources successfully 02/21/17, Sarah Tierney, Tracey Waters
Part null Customizing the IMET PD Training for a Local Setting A training leader explains how she customized the IMET PD training to better match the professional learning needs of her district’s educators. 04/15/16, Casey Monahan
Part null Choosing Wisely: A Strategic Approach to Curriculum in Duval County An interview with Dr. Nikolai P. Vitti, Superintendent of Duval County Public Schools 12/21/15