Materials Adaptation
Part 1 of Implementing Wit and Wisdom

Inside Implementation of Wit and Wisdom

Bringing complex content and instruction into a high-needs school district

I recently reconnected with Cassie, one of my past students, who is now in 8th grade. Cassie has always had a difficult home life and is now bouncing around foster families and group homes. A couple weeks ago she was reminiscing about a book we read in 4th grade and I immediately cringed. It was a fun and funny book, but I knew that Cassie read that book because it was a good match for her group’s level more than anything else. It certainly wasn’t the best choice I could have made for a student like Cassie, dealing with poverty, abuse, and neglect. Until last year, I diligently used guided reading groups based on students’ instructional levels and while I was certainly aware of the discrepancy in content between the different levels of text, I didn’t really think of the impact this might have on my students.

I teach in the Mad River Local School District, outside Dayton, OH. We have 60.2% of students on free/reduced lunch. Last year, I was part of a pilot program in my district implementing the Wit & Wisdom curriculum, created by Great Minds. Wit & Wisdom was the first Language Arts curriculum I had used since I packed my basals away a decade ago. I was skeptical, but knew my current instruction was failing to meet the depth and rigor of the new standards. Wit & Wisdom is a total language arts program, including writing, language, and speaking and listening standards. Each grade has four units, each based on an essential question and a thematic text set, including novels, informational text, poetry, videos, and artwork.  All of the reading, writing, vocabulary, and grammar are woven into the quality texts that are carefully chosen to build knowledge and deepen understanding of a topic. In 4th grade, we studied the literal and figurative heart, extreme environments, the American Revolution, and Greek mythology.

Meeting the expectations within the Wit & Wisdom program was really hard– for me and my students! The program leads students to a very deep level of thinking that requires a great deal of teacher preparation. We engaged in repeated reading and close reading, both of which were new to my students and required them to build endurance. Wit & Wisdom also expected much more quantity and quality of student writing than I had been asking of my students previously, and they had to build this stamina as well. Finally, for my striving readers who had been in leveled reading groups, it was an adjustment to engage with grade-level, complex text.

The adjustment was hard, but it was so worth it. My students built their endurance and they were excited to stick with one topic for such a long time, enjoying the opportunity to become experts on these topics. They were especially excited about sharing their knowledge and to write four-paragraph essays to demonstrate this. They started thinking about reading differently and making connections between all sorts of texts in their lives.

For example, the final 4th grade module asks, “What can we learn from myths and stories?” We read Greek and Native American myths, such as Pandora’s Box and Cannibal Monster, as well as the novel Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech. All of these core texts address the presence of hope in the face of hardship. It’s very powerful to see 4th graders connecting ancient Greek mythology to their chapter book. My students were able to make connections between how both the reader and the main character in Walk Two Moons dig deep to uncover the truth and the way Pandora opens the box, getting more than she bargained for. One of my students, Annie, put this beautifully when she said, “Ever since we started reading this book, I’ve been seeing things different. It’s like life is made up of puzzle pieces you have to put together.”

Now I think, what if this were the story I had shared with Cassie? How much more powerful would it be for her to have internalized this message of taking pieces of your life, even if they’re broken, and figuring out how they fit together?  I wish I’d had Wit & Wisdom to share with Cassie so that she could have experienced the integrated, thought-provoking journeys that my students now enjoy. I know she would have risen to that challenge and blown me away just like Annie and so many others did last year. I always knew the importance of having high expectations for my students, but sometimes we need something new and difficult to make us stop and reflect. What would happen if I expected more? What would happen if I gave them complex texts to help them make sense of their complex lives, along with the confidence and tools to fit the pieces together?

386 thoughts on “Inside Implementation of Wit and Wisdom

  1. I am at a school that is starting Wit and Wisdom this year! Do you have a lesson plan format that you used in your school?

        1. Hi! Can I also have a format you gave used for the curriculum? I am a new teacher I’m Baltimore city and looking for any and all resources to implement this successfully ! Thank you !

          1. Hi Anna, I’ve shared the resources with you via Google Drive. Let me know if you have any trouble accessing them!

          2. Hi, I am teaching 7th grade ELA in Milwaukee and new to Wit and Wisdom. Could you share the planning structure with me?
            Thank you!

          3. I’m an instructional supervisor, and we just adopted Wit and Wisdom. I’d love to be able to share a usable lesson plan format with my teachers. May I have the lesson plan format to share with them?

          4. I just came across your blog and would greatly appreciate any resources you can share with me. I’ll be starting with Wit and Wisdom this year, and would appreciate having a suggested lesson plan format and other resources to help me implement the program in my classroom.

            Thank you so much!

          5. I would really appreciate any resources you have to share I’m new to teaching 8th grade wit and wisdom. Thank You

          6. I would love any electronic resources you are willing to share. We just adopted at the district level and I’d love to share anything with my teachers that will make implementation easier for them! I’d also love to network on the phone and visit about what is working! Thanks

          7. We are looking at adopting W&W for the 2020/21 school year. This is will be my 2nd year teaching ELA in 26 years. I teach 5th grade can you send me any resources and share ideas with me. I am in East Tennessee

          8. Oh me too! I’m the 8th grade teacher and we’re implementing the curriculum this coming year. I need all the help and resources as possible PLEASE!?!

          9. I would also love a lesson plan format. This will be our first year of implementation! Thank you!

        2. I would love to see this as well. We are focusing in on our planning for Wit & Wisdom and how to really study the lessons to be more effective! Can you share ways you plan and prep for the lessons?

        3. I am teaching 5th grade Wit & Wisdom this year, and I would like to have the format as well, please.

        4. Could I please have the link as well? I starting piloting Wits and Wisdom for 6th grade ELA today. I am trying to get the lessons to flow and am having a hard time doing that.

        5. Hello! May I also have access to the curriculum implementation materials and google drive? Thanks. LeAndrea

        6. Good afternoon,

          I am implementing Wit and Wisdom this year in middle school, would you be able to share with me a lesson plan template you’ve used?

        7. I would love to have the lesson plan format and resources as well. Our team is needing as much assistance as we can as we start wit and wisdom this year. Thank you!

        8. Hi,
          Thank you for sharing your experience!! It I sores me! Would you please share the lesson plan format with me and any other information you know will be helpful. I teach 5th grade, but my school…grades 3-5 are implementing Wit & Wisdom beginning the 2021 school year.
          Thank you!!

        9. This is our first year working on Wit & Wisdom at my school! I would love any resources you are willing to share including the lesson plan format. Trying to make it fun and engaging for 3rd grade. Thanks!

      1. We are adopting Wit and Wisdom this year! I am a second grade teacher and would love to see your lesson plan format, also! Thank you for taking the time to help all of us newbies!

    1. I am in 5th grade and will be required to use Wit and Wisdom 100% beginning next year. I want to prepare and would love to the lesson plan format as well, if possible. Thank you for sharing!

    2. Will be starting Wit and Wisdom next year – I would love the lesson plan template and any other resources that you’d be willing to share! I am trying to get as many tools into the hands of my teachers for a successful implementation :). Thanks~

    3. I would love to see the lesson plan format, as well. We are in the planning/training stages to implement W&W in the fall.

      1. Hi I would love any resources you may have. Our school is adopting Wit and Wisdom. Anything would be greatly appreciated.

        Thank you in advance 🙂

    4. Can I receive any of your planning or materials you use with this program. I teach 5th grade. We started piloting module 1 in January and are only on lesson 16 now. The lessons are so long and there does not seem to be any materials for reading skill or English skill grades. Thank you.

    5. We are beginning this program in grades 4 and 5 this coming school year. Would you ease share your lesson plan format with me? Anything to help us begin in a good place.

    6. Hi! I would also like to be able to see how your lesson plan works.
      I will be teaching next year W&W and I am a little nervous.

      1. Hello, I am also teaching W&W this year and would love link to the Google Drive. Thank you so much for sharing your resources!

        1. Our district piloted W&W in grade 3 last year and has adopted it, now, for grades 3-5. I would LOVE the Drive resources to share with my team as we prepare to implement W&W!

    7. We are implementing Wit and Wisdom at our school this year and I’m having a hard time finding any videos, lesson plans for a Kindergarten classroom. I’ve got some brand new teachers and I need a basic daily routine/plan to help them get started.

    8. My district is considering a move to Wit and Wisdom and I would love an opportunity to view the lesson planning tools you are using.

    9. Hi
      I’m new to the Wit and Wisdom curriculum. May I have the lesson plan format that you use. Looking for any resource to implement this in my K-2 classroom successfully. Thank you.

      1. Laura,
        Do you have any resources for k-2 that you would share with me? We are adopting W&W at my school and I would like to start learning on my own.

        1. I, too, am a K-2 teacher and would love any guidance you would be willing to provide as in the form of the lesson plan template you use. Our district has adopted Wot & Wisdom for the upcoming year as well as the Eureka Math Series! Two in one year with covid-19. 😬😬 thank you in advance!

    10. Would love to receive a copy of your lesson plan format! Thanks so much for your words of wit and wisdom!

    11. May I also get a copy of the lesson plan format. I am at a school using this also and I am new to it. I am trying to find the best successful way to do a6 week lesson plan unit

    12. I am new teacher.I will appreciate if you can send me your lesson plan template.Thank you.(grade 3)

    13. I would love to have any online resources you would be willing to share, as well. I am a fourth grade teacher and we are switching to W&W this year and unfortunately, I am still waiting for my teacher’s manual! Thank you in advance!

    14. Hi Shanae,
      Our school is currently looking at Wit & Wisdom, along with 2 other programs for a new ELA curriculum. We are still in the gathering of information stage, and I came across your blog posts and have found them to be very informative. Could I get the lesson plan format you have shared with others in the past? Some of our teachers have already expressed fear about how to get it all done.

        1. Same situation my school has adopted Wit and Wisdom. I’m a 3rd grade teacher and I would love to see the template and any suggestions to make this work with my students.

          1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

            We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

            I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

            I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

          2. I would love more insight on planning and how to manage fitting everything in. I am teaching 3rd grade and we are implementing W&W this year.

          3. Can you please share the format for the plans and powerpoint info I am an instructional coach and I think this will assist my teachers.

        2. Hi can you also share w me you lesson plan? I’m looking at how to implement and best practices for this program 4-5

      1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

        We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

        I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

        I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

        1. I have located and requested to join the Wit & Wisdom 6-8 Facebook group that was mentioned, but I cannot find the Edmodo Group that was mentioned that has/shares presentations. Could you help guide me to that, or if anyone is a member of the Edmodo group, please share the group code with me so I can join it as well?

          I’d also like the Google Drive folder everyone is requesting. If anyone has something tailored specifically to the middle-level, that would be much appreciated!

          1. Hi Deb!

            Thanks for your comments. If you go to Edmodo and go to join a group the code is gjr4gh.

            I will also make sure you get a link to the Google Drive.


          2. Would you mind sending me this great resource via Google Drive. I’m the 8th grade teacher. Thank you

        2. Just started Wit and Wisdom this year – I would love the lesson plan template and any other resources that you’d be willing to share!

        3. My school is new to Wit & Wisdom this year. We are struggling with a good lesson plan outline to follow as well. Could you please share this with me also?

        4. May I please get the lesson template and an other resources that can be shared. the school i am at is implementing WW this year and I am new to it as well.

          1. Hi Christina:

            We have shared the Wit and Wisdom Planning Tool and Lesson Plan Outline with you. You should be receiving an email shortly.

      1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

        We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

        I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

        I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

          1. Hi Jackie,

            I’ve shared the Google drive with you, however, there aren’t grade specific resources in there. I’d recommend you join the Facebook and Edmodo groups. I’ll share your email address with Sarah so she can help you get access to those groups.

          2. I would love these resources as well. We are moving to Wit and Wisdom next year. Thank you!

        1. Instructional coach here – would love to see and have access to your wit and wisdom Google Drive!!
          Thank you so much for sharing!!

        2. Thank you for being willing to share with all of us! I would love to have access to the Google Drive folder! We are about to start Year 1 with W&W in grades K-5. I am so excited! Thank you!

      2. I would love to have the lesson plan format and any other resources to help get my teachers started with Wit and Wisdom. Thanks in advance.

      1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

        We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

        I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

        I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

        1. Oh no, I hope this is not true because my school will be starting next school year in August.

        2. I am on the W&W review committee for our district. Would love and appreciate your goggle drive resources to share with our team. Thankful ng you in advance.

    1. I am a third grade teacher and would really love access to any materials that you and others have found useful. Do you know where I could access powerpoints that you mentioned?

  2. My school has just begun this program and I’m really not enjoying at all. I’m a first grade teacher and it’s difficult for me to see the long run of this creating successful readers. Any words of comfort?

    1. Kristi, it can be really challenging at first. Feel free to email me at if you want to connect with a first grade teacher in our district! They can speak much better about the experience and lessons learned in younger grades. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom K-2 Facebook group? It’s also a great way to connect with other teachers in your shoes.

        1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

          We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

          I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

          I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

          1. Would you mind sharing your resources with me? I’ll be serving as my school’s interventionist this upcoming year and would like to share your ideas with my teachers. We will be implementing W&W this year.

          2. May I have access to the Google Drive, as well? Or any other resources that may be helpful for an instructional coach who has to monitor implementation of Wit and Wisdom for grades 1-8? All resources are much appreciated!

    2. Kristi, I am also a 1st grade teacher and our district is looking into adopting Wit and Wisdom for next school year. Any insight in greatly appreciated!

      1. I just happened back on this blog tonight and saw your comment. I’m sorry! I hope you’ve gotten plenty of help between Sept and now. If you still have questions you’d like to ask me, please feel free to send me an email:

  3. My school is implementing Wit & Wisdom this year as well.
    We are interested in the lesson plan format due to state requirements.

  4. Hello Sarah!
    Our school also is doing the Wit and Wisdom Pilot Program this school year. We have had two days of P.D. and as a Kindergarten teacher our grade level is overwhelmed and not sure even now how to implement the program. We do know there are four modules and each thematic unit/lesson requires an Essential Question that will promote deeper critical thinking. How do you pull all of this together? Just scared that I may be starting out on a path whereby I may not end up in the right place with my students. I want to learn the program, but it was so much information to try and absorb in two days! Any guidance you can or may share would be a blessing!

    Your Friend in Kindergarten,


  5. Hi, my school district is also implementing Wit and Wisdom. I am a 3rd Grade teacher. Is there a lesson plan format you can share? Thanks, Phyllis. Lemons

      1. Hi, I m tagging on to this comment as I am struggling to produce lesson plans for this curriculum. Can you also share with me Thanks!

  6. I would also love to have the lesson plan template you use, please. Thank you so much for this article. It’s been a struggle implementing w&w, but I am hoping for positive outcomes.

    1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

      1. I’d love a copy of the lesson plan format (and anything else you’d like to share!)…I’m an AP at an elementary school just adopting W&W. Thanks!

  7. I would love to see the template myself. I am 4th grade and new to Wit and Wisdom. I am pretty lost with it all right now. Thanks!!

    1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

    1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

  8. Hello I am starting Wit and Wisdom this year in first grade. Please share lesson plan format with me a well. Thank you!

    1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

  9. Would you happen to have any help for a first grade teacher? Our district started this year. I am not enjoying it and I am struggling. Any tips?
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

  10. Could I get a copy of the lesson plan format please? I teach 3rd grade. We began using Wit & Wisdom this year and I am hopeful we will have great results.

    1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

  11. We have implemented Wit & Wisdom this year. I am very excited about it! Could you please send me a copy of your lesson plan format? Thanks!

    1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

  12. Thank you for the article. I am a first grade teacher and my district is implementing Wit & Wisdom this school year. I would appreciate having the template as well. Thanks for pointing out the facebook group. I hope to join it as well.

    1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

  13. Hi Sarah. Love this conversation. We are starting the Wit & Wisdom Curriculum this year. I would to have the lesson plan template you use, also. Though, we’re just starting to use this curriculum this week, it seems so much better than the one we were using. Can’t wait to see how it works for the students. Thanking you in advance for the lesson plan template!

    1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

  14. I am a third-grade teacher who is im[lementing Wit and Wisdom this year. I would love for you to share your lesson plan format. Also, any suggestions on how to make it flow and are you adding mini-lessons on content standards to your daily agenda?

    1. Hi Deirdre! Sorry for the delay here. I will make sure you get access to the Google Drive with some resources. I definitely recommend joining the Wit & Wisdom 3-5 Facebook as well. Many people are sharing powerpoints. I did not add mini-lessons unless there was something I felt my students did not have prior knowledge in since they had not previously had Wit & Wisdom. All the standards are covered throughout the year. It started to flow better for me once I was able to read a whole Focus Question at a time and understand where things were headed. It is hard in the beginning though! Good luck!!

    2. Deirdre, I think we did already get you access to the Google Drive folder, but let me know if you still need that! I did not add mini-lessons unless I thought my students were lacking background knowledge since it was their first year of W&W. All of the standards are covered through the year. I felt like it started to flow more for me once I was able to read/plan an entire Focusing Question at a time but that is reallyyyy hard in the beginning! You will get there. 🙂

      1. Could you please share your Google folder and lesson plan with me as well? Thank you in advance.

  15. You were honest in your article and I appreciate that! My district has just started it’s first year of implementing Wit & Wisdom. I would also love to see the lesson plan format you have used. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

    1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

    1. Thank you for your comments on my blog! I have attached the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

  16. If you are still sharing your template and YOUR wisdom, I am following! Can I email you for the template? Also, do you know any middle school level teachers who are implementing?

    Thank you!

    1. I’ve shared the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

  17. Hello Sarah,
    My school district is using the wit and wisdom curriculum program and this is also my first year of being a kindergarten teacher. Is it possible that you can email sample of the lesson plan or template used for kindergarten so that I can have an idea of how to implement with my students?

  18. I would love the lesson template and any help you can give. I teach 1st and 2nd at the same time and this is a real struggle. So far I hate it and so do my kids.

    1. Hi Tonya,

      Sorry it’s been a struggle so far. It is certainly an adjustment from other curricula. I have share via Google Drive, the general lesson plan format I used and a Focusing Question planning tool that our teachers have found useful. They usually sit down in grade level groups and go over a Focusing Question at a time. Obviously it is hard to plan that far in advance at first but our district has been very supportive about getting them some work time to do this the first couple times.

      We do not have to submit official lesson plans since the manual is so detailed. Some people just highlight their manual, but I preferred to write bullets like the attached so I didn’t have to carry it around. Most also make PowerPoints for each lesson and there are tons of these available online. Have you joined the Wit & Wisdom Facebook group? (Wit & Wisdom English K-2/Wit & Wisdom English 3-5 / Wit & Wisdom English 6-8) There is an Edmodo group you can find there where teachers are sharing their stuff for free. 🙂

      I’ll share a Google Drive folder with you that contains the lesson plan outline and planning tool I use!

      I hope that helps!! Let me know if you have other questions.

  19. I’m a parent and my son’s school has adopted Wisdom and Wit for 5th grade. He is not doing well. There is little to no guidance and no homework. Is there any support for parents? Any guidance would greatly be appreciated.

    1. Hi Mel,

      There are Parent Tip Sheets for each module. Ask your child’s teacher if you haven’t received one! They explain the unit and other books on the topic that you could read with your child. The curriculum does not have a lot of homework assigned since it realizes students have different opportunities and support at home to complete it. The main homework assigned homework is fluency passages. Of course, all teachers hope your child is also reading independently for fun! I have parent handouts of the type of questions we use during reading and the way we organize paragraphs that I have shared with parents. Would you like me to email those to you? Thanks!

  20. I am currently an Instructional Assistant but I am only one semester and student teaching away from my teaching certificate, and I am 53 years old. My school has adopted this curriculum this year and I am with a young teacher who seems to be overwhelmed with the curriculum. I would like to be more informed so I can better support him and the students. I would like your Google drive files please and I thank you for suggesting the face book group for additional support.

  21. Our school has also implemented Wit and Wisdom at our school. Would like to see a lesson plan template too. Thank you

  22. Hello,
    My school began using Wit and Wisdom this year! I am a 5th grade teacher and have yet to find the best way to blend the curriculum with my own teaching style and am seeking help wherever I can find it! I would love to see your lesson planning template. I teach ELA to all of our 5th graders and have discussed the curriculum with other grade levels and as you mentioned, the materials are of depth and are requiring teachers and students to change their way of thinking! I appreciate individuals like you so much, who are willing to share their own knowledge. Thank you!

  23. I would love the template if you don’t mind sharing again. I’m a fourth grade teacher and struggling with it too. Like one stated above I’m afraid I’m not teaching my kids well as I feel like it hits on a lot of skills and strategies within a small period of time.

    1. It’s definitely a fast-paced, challenging curriculum. You’re not alone in your feelings! I’ve shared the templates with you!

  24. Hi, my district is implementing Wit and Wisdom for the first time this year, as well. From reading the above posts many educators are requesting the lesson plan template, which you have kindly shared. I have another request. I am an administrator at my school. In your opinion, what has been the most important aspect of this program, regarding authentic student learning? I want to give the teachers at my school the best advice possible. It would be awesome to share some pointers from a seasoned “W &W” educator who has been “in the trenches” teaching this program. Please share a few do’s and don’ts. Thank you!

    1. Hi there,

      Thanks for your questions. We’ve discussed them with Sarah and they’ve inspired us to write another new blog post. We think a lot of teachers and administrators could benefit from the dos and don’ts as well as grade-band-specific advice on challenges and the most valuable aspects of the curriculum. Sarah will be drafting this post with the input of several other experienced Wit and Wisdom users in different grades. Check back in mid-October!

  25. Good Morning,
    We have just adopted this curriculum and my teachers are struggling to implement as there is SO much to wade through. You lesson plan template seems awesome and I would love to share it with my teachers. Also, if you have any suggestions to help them, I would love you to share.

  26. I was wondering if your district still does small group reading instruction/reading groups along with the Wit and Wisdom curriculum. I teach first grade and we just started implementing W&W. We haven’t had any training or anything-so just trying to figure it all out. We are struggling fitting the lesson and an hour for small groups as well.

  27. Hi! I love your blog! It’s so helpful as a new teacher of the curriculum! Can you please send me the template you created?

  28. Our parish just adopted the curriculum and we are trying to do our best with Kindergarten and the 90 minutes required to teach each lesson. Do you mind emailing me the template you created? Any little bit helps, and I love your blog!

  29. I am supporting a first year teacher piloting wit and wisdom. I am a special education teacher w with a high number of ALL students in my case load. I am looking for differentiated lessons as well as digital lessons that i can modified based on needs and strengths.

    If possible, i would also appreciate access to the previously mentioned supports and Google drive.I appreciate the cooperative nature of this group!!

    Any support or guidance any one has to be greatly appreciated!!
    Thank you!

      1. Good afternoon,

        My special education teacher was also asking this question in regards to her SPED scholars and how to differentiate the provided materials. Could you share with me as well?

        Thank you in advance!

      2. I would love for you to share all these resources mentioned as we are in the piloting phase right now. Thank you

  30. We would love to have access to the lesson plan format and the templates. We are a special needs school trying this out and are finding it much too fast paced and have cut down on the number of units we can complete in a year. This is our trial year. Do you have any information on the program’s use with a special needs population? or differentiated lessons? Thanks for any advice.

  31. Can you provide a bit more information about the writing component? How deep does the program go in breaking down the writing process and providing strategies for teaching writing?

    1. Hi Renee,

      I think writing is a huge strength of this program! I love how it uses the models to help students understand the organization of writing, as well as the deep dives into complex language. Great Minds actually did a webinar with EdWeek about their writing.

      You can view it for free anytime! 🙂

  32. Thank you for the post. I’m looking forward to reading the forthcoming post as well. Would you please share the folder referenced in this section with me as well? Thank you!

  33. I would love a copy of your lesson plan format. Working as a literacy coach and supporting 3rd grade teachers implementing this program

  34. Hello,

    I am currently a 5th & 6th grade ELA content lead and would love to see the lesson plan template amongst other resources being used for Wit & Wisdom. Thank you.

  35. Hello,

    I would also love to see a lesson plan template and other resources(Google Drive) used to implement Wit & Wisdom. Thank you.

  36. Sarah,
    How do you support the “striving” readers in your classroom that are not reading on grade level as you implement the Wit & Wisdom units?

  37. I am a beginning teacher and our school implemented Wit and Wisdom this year. I feel a bit overwhelmed with how to best implement the program as our training and collaboration has been limited. I would greatly appreciate any resources, as I teach kindergarten within a Title 1 setting.

  38. Thank you for your article as I’m searching for anything to assist my district in its implementation of Wit and WIsdom in grades 5-8. Would love to see your resources! Thank you!

  39. Hello! Great article. I posted a reply above, requesting any resources you’d be willing to share. I also looked for the WIt and Wisdom group on Edmodo, but wasn’t able to find it. I’m loving the books, but really struggling with lesson planning :/

      1. I joined the fb group last summer, but I would love to join the edmodo group as well. Nothing comes up when I search for wit and wisdom on edmodo – do you know if it still exists?

        1. I see what you mean. Let me ask Sarah to try to get you the direct url. I know she’s shared the code to join in the comments thread, but I’m not seeing the group either.

  40. Hello could you also share with me the links and or resources on how to implement wit and wisdom with fidelity as my charter school is in stage 4 turnaround and I am the 3-8 curriculum coordinator.

  41. I would be very interested to see your lesson plan template and any resources. Our school has just recently began using Eureka Math and has seen good results. I would love to have these positive results for ELA as well.

  42. Greetings,
    I have been searching for different resources to implement Wit and Wisdom. Could you also share with me links. lesson plan templates, powerpoints, and anything else that may help me.
    Thanks so much,
    Mrs. Oliver

  43. Our school is implementing Wit and Wisdom, and I am so excited to find this site. I too would also love to get the lesson templates, powerpoints, and anything else that may help me get through the lessons. I have been teaching 20 years and I have never seen my students so engaged in ELA lessons, however, I feel I am not doing an adequate job presenting the lessons. Thank you so much.

    1. I’m sure you’re doing a wonderful job, Linda. This curriculum is challenging for students and teachers! I’ve shared the resources with you via Google Drive.

      1. I teach at the same school as Linda and I would love to have those materials for my 6-8 Language Arts classes! Thank you so much for being open and friendly!!

        1. Hi Stephen, I just emailed you the resources. Please let me know if you aren’t able to access them. Thanks for reading our blog!

    2. Hi! We are starting W&W this school year and I’m super excited! I teach 2nd grade. Would you be able to send me a lesson plan template? Thank you so much!

  44. I would love to receive a copy of your Wit & Wisdom template, power points, etc. Do you do anything with their history- The Alexandria Plan?

    1. Hi Sharon, I’ve shared the resources with you via Google Drive. Let me know if you have any trouble accessing them!

  45. I hate to sound like a broken record, but I would love to see the resources you have–lesson plan templates, planning “guides”, as we are in our first year of implementing Wit and Wisdom, and I am struggling to get all the pieces together in a way that makes sense to me (and my students).

    1. Hi Amanda– No problem at all! I just sent you the resources via google drive. You should find them in your email.

  46. You noted that you have attached your lesson plan outline and your planning tool to your blog. I don not see that. Could you share that information with me?

    Also, is the address for your blog If not, how do I find your blog?

    Thank you for your time.

  47. Hi! Our district will possibly be adopting this curriculum for the next school year. Would you mind emailing me your template and any other resources you have found useful in implementing the curriculum? TIA!!

  48. Eureka Math and the EngageNY math modules are the same.

    What is the relationship between Wit and Wisdom and the EngageNY ELA modules? Are they the same?

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Nicholas,

      EngageNY’s ELA curriculum is from Expeditionary Learning (EL). EL has very recently revised their curriculum and made improvements, but the good news is, it’s still free, just like EngageNY. You can access it here: Our ELA specialists at Student Achievement Partners are writing a series on aligned ELA programs, so stay tuned for their one on EL as it should touch on the differences and improvements. Here’s the one they wrote on BookWorms: You’ll be able to link to the series from here (including the post on EL) once it’s written!

  49. Our school system will be implementing W&W next year. I’m very interested in any materials that will help with coaching and helping teachers plan and implement. Those that you’ve shared with others or any others. Thanks!

  50. Our school district is implement W & W this year. We would love to be able to connect with you to discuss implementation tips, and we would greatly appreciate any advice/guidance you have for coaching and helping others with implementation.
    Thank you!

  51. Our district is implementing Wit and Wisdom also. Could you please share the resources you have mentioned here with me? Thank you.

  52. Hi, our district is meeting tomorrow night to discuss in depth whether or not to implement Wit & Wisdom in k-2 next year. We are in year
    #1 in grades 3-8. I would love to have you share your google drive resources so that I can soak in how to begin the planning process for my first grade classroom.

  53. My 5th grade just started piloting Wit & Wisdom after Christmas. I would love to receive anything that might make this easier on me. It is very rigorous, even for the teacher!

  54. Our school recently implemented Wit and Wisdom. Could you please share the resources you have mentioned here with me? Thank you.

  55. This was helpful! I would love any resources you can share for 3rd/4th grade, especially lesson plan formats. Thank you so much!

  56. We are beginning implementation at our school. Would you please share lesson formats, planning resources or any other beneficial resources. I would appreciate it tremendously. Thank you

  57. Can you please share with me the documents you’ve been referencing? I would love to see the format that your first grade team uses. Is this possible? There are a lot of us concerned about how this will be laid out and implemented. We are hopeful that seeing a template laid out would help ease our anxiety.

    Thank you.

  58. We are purchasing wit and wisdom for the fall and are trying to plan ahead. Please if anyone has a lesson plan template that they currently are using for the Literacy Block with wit and wisdom. Thank you!

  59. Hello,
    I am a Principal of a K-12 building and I am interested in accessing the materials in drive as we are looking into the W&W curriculum.


  60. We are beginning implementation at our school next year. Would you please share lesson formats, planning resources or any other beneficial resources. Thank you for sharing resources!

    1. I am a Kindergarten teacher in Louisiana, and our gifted department has purchased Wit and Wisdom for our K-2 grades. I have been reading our first module for kindergarten and it seems really thought out curriculum wise. Is there anyway you may can share the lesson plan template, if you can. It would be greatly appreciate it so get a flow of planning the Wit and Wisdom lesson out. Thanks for such a wonderful blog about Wit and Wisdom….I have read all parts:)

  61. Sorry to repeat the request you have heard so many times.

    Our district implemented Wit and Wisdom with so-so results due to teachers struggling to create a unit plan and then break it to the daily plan. If you can share that with me, I can make sure all the teachers get some of this valuable information. Much appreciated!

  62. Hi!

    I am a first year teacher beginning this fall and was just told my school is implementing Wit and Wisdom (8th grade).. Could you please share your lesson planning resources? I’m looking for all of the help I can get!

  63. I would love the unit/lesson plan template. We are contemplating using this resource next year.

  64. Hi,
    My district is starting Wit and Wisdom in the upcoming school year. I have been looking at the resources which they have already purchased and I am stoked. It looks awesome!
    I do have a question though. Did you completely stop doing guided reading in your classroom after adopting W&W? It doesn’t look like much time will be available for GR.

    Brittany (3rd grade)

  65. Hi! I am an Assistant Principal and my school will begin using Wit and Wisdom next year. Would it be possible to look at your lesson plan template and any other resources related to the program. The grade levels I manage are 3-5 Grade. Thank you in advance.

  66. I would to see all the resources you are sharing through Google drive. That would be very helpful and much appreciated!

  67. I’m going to be implementing Wit and Wisdom next year in 4th grade. I would love to see your lesson plan format!

  68. I would love to see the lesson plan format you use as well as any other resources you can share! We are adopting Wit and Wisdom this next year in our district.

  69. Could you please share the lesson plan template and other resources for Wit & Wisdom? This would be very helpful and appreciated!

  70. Is it possible to receive access to the google drive for Wit and Wisdom lesson formats, etc?
    Thank you!

  71. I would also like the to receive the lesson plan format. We are, unfortunately, still using our old reading program for another year before we adopt Wit and Wisdom. I believe it would be helpful to begin using the lesson plan along with elevated expectation to help students be more prepared for the next year’s adoption.

    I am loving what I am learning about the program. I have high hopes!

  72. Hi, I know alot of people have asked for you plan template- Can you send me your template as well-we are starting it next year and I want to play around with it …Thanks in advance Mary

    1. Hi Mary,

      Absolutely. We’ll continue to share the template to everyone who asks for it here in the comments. I’ve just shared the link to the Google Drive with you.


  73. Hi,

    My school is implementing Wit & Wisdom for upcoming school year. I would like to have a copy of your lesson plan format. I’m very confused of where to start.

  74. HI,
    I work with schools who are implementing Wit and Wisdom this coming fall. Would you mind to share your resources, especially your lesson plan? Thank you in advance for your assistance.

  75. Hi Sarah,
    I apologize if this is a repeat. I thought I posted a reply but I didn’t see it come up on the feed.
    It looks like I will be teaching a 3rd/4th combination class next year (something new for me) and I was wondering if you would mind sharing any resources you have for Wit and Wisdom for those two grades. (Luckily, I see that those are the two grades you are most familiar with:)
    Do you think that this is a curriculum I could implement with small groups?
    The other 4th grade teachers at my school have some Wit and Wisdom resources that I think I could borrow (they piloted the program this year while I was on maternity leave) but the 3rd grade has not used Wit and Wisdom and is not planning to use it. I think that I would have to find an alternative for them.
    My original thought was to teach ELA with small group book units but if you think that I could use the Wit and Wisdom resources to do that, that could be the way I go.
    Thank you so much!

  76. Can I please get the lesson plan format? I will be a lead teacher for second grade next year and we will be using w&w for the first time. Thanks !

  77. May I please receive the lesson plan template and other resources? My district will implement Wit & Wisdom this fall.

  78. My school will be starting wit & wisdom next school year. I would love to take a look at the lesson plan template you have. (And any other resources.) The program looks very interesting to me – but I noticed the lessons are also very long. I would love to see how you break it down.

  79. Hi,
    I will also be using Wit & Wisdom for the first time this fall. I would love for you to share your lesson plan template and any other resources that you have. I teach 8th grade.

  80. Hi! I truly appreciate this because my district will be starting Wit and Wisdom next year. I would love to see any resources you have as well.

  81. Hi Sarah,
    Our district will be implementing Wit & Wisdom beginning this fall. I would love to have your share your google doc. that contains your lesson planning docs. that you’ve mentioned!
    My email is
    Also, for those who are interested, there’s also a wonderful Wit & Wisdom First Grade Facebook group that focuses on teachers supporting one another and sharing ideas.
    Thanks so much!!

  82. Hi Sarah,
    I would also love a copy of lesson plans and any additional resources you may have available. We will be implementing the Whit and Wisdom curriculum in our school for the upcoming school year. I teach 7th and 8th grade.

  83. Hi Sarah,
    We will be implementing Whit and Wisdom in our school’s curriculum for the upcoming school year. Can you please forward me a copy of lesson plans as well as any additional resources you may have. I teach 7th & 8th grade.
    Thank you.

  84. Hi Sarah,
    Are you still sharing resources for Wit and Wisdom? I am a Reading Interventionist for grades K-3 and my ‘hope’ is I’ll be able to ‘front load’ my kiddos with the scaffolded texts they will encounter in their regular classrooms. Could you please add me to your enormous list of ‘me too’s??’ Thank you so much. This is definitely a daunting task but I’m excited about all the vocabulary and background knowledge my Dual Language Learners will be exposed to! This will be our first year as well. Thank you!

  85. I just read an article called How Education Has Gone Terribly Wrong by Natalie Wexler. In the article she spoke about the curriculum that you adopted a couple years ago and the affect it had on your students . After what I read in the article I immediately searched the internet for information on you. I needed to know what the name of that curriculum was. And here you are. If you could give me any more info on this curriculum that would be absolutely awesome. I currently homeschool 4 of my children because I found that the school curriculum could not be adapted to their learning styles and needs. The approach that this curriculum offers is excellent, makes sense and reminds me of how I was taught in school.

  86. We are fairly new to implementing Wit & Wisdom. I would love to see your lesson plan template. As the literacy coach at my school, this could really help me assist in the planning and preparation of developing the daily lessons. Thank you!

  87. We are implementing Wit and Wisdom this year. I would love to see your lesson plan formats. Thank You!

  88. Hi. we are adopting W&W k-2. Any information you have on planning that you could share would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

  89. We will be implementing Wit and Wisdom with our K-5 this year! Can I also get any links or resources available?

    1. I’ve sent you the link to the Google Drive folder with the resources. A note to all who Comment here requesting the resources, we’re continuing to grant access to all who request the resources!

  90. Thanks for all your help and support with Wit and Wisdom! I would also love the link to the google drive folder with the resources. Thank you so much!

  91. Hello! I would love the link to the Google drive for the planning resources you mentioned! Thank you!

  92. I would like a link to the format and planning resources you mentioned as well. I teach 5th grade and we are implementing this for the first time this school year. Thanks so much!

  93. I am piloting Wit & Wisdom in September. I would appreciate you sharing your Google file! Thank you.
    *I apologize, my email was incorrect in my first post.

  94. Good afternoon,

    I love your blog! It is extremely helpful. I was wondering if you knew the edmodo code foe k-2 wit and wisdom?

  95. Hello. My school is implementing the Wit and Wisdom program this year. I would appreciate any resources to support our work (i.e. lesson plans and powerpoints). Thank you so much.

  96. We are beginning implementation at our school. Would you please share lesson formats, planning resources or any other beneficial resources. I would appreciate it tremendously. Thank you


  97. This will be my first year using the Wit and Wisdom curriculum. I am interested in receiving the google document also. Thank you so much.

  98. This will be my first year using the Wit and Wisdom curriculum. I am interested in receiving the google document also. Thank you so much. Could you please add me to your enormous list of ‘me too’s?

  99. Hello,
    I stumbled across your blog and would love to see the lesson plan format that you use. I am currently teaching a 4th grade class and we just began the Wit and Wisdom program. So I am collecting all the tid bits of information and resources possible.

    Thank you.

  100. Can you please share your Wit and Wisdom lesson template. This is our first year and I’m looking for all of the help I can find staying organized. Thank you.

  101. Hi Sara! Thank you for your perspective and “stick to it-ness” in encouraging teachers to stick to the plan and process of Wit and Wisdom. This is our first year at our school implementing in grades 3-5. Our teachers are loving Wit and Wisdom but are feeling a little overwhelmed. I would appreciate any resources you are willing to share with me and my teachers mentioned in the above comments.

  102. Hi, I am implementing the 6th Grade Wit & Wisdom ELA curriculum this year. Would love to see the lesson plan template and any resources you have for this.

  103. Hello – I feel like I’m a bit late to the party. I’ve started at a new school this year and we’re implementing Wit & Wisdom. I’m teaching 5 & 8 and really struggling. Could I request access to your lesson plan template. I would be so grateful.

  104. Please help! We are going to begin Wit and Wisdom in January. I teach 3rrd grade. Nervous, but excited! Can you please share any resources available?
    Thank you!!

  105. I am a new teacher in Baltimore City Public school. I would appreciate if you can share it with me.

    Thank you so much

  106. Hi, I am teaching WW for the first time in second grade. I am a 21 year veteran. I teach in a very high performing district. For the first time in my teaching career, I am struggling to find joy when I teach language arts. I actually dread it. Can you please share your template with me? I am trying so hard to be positive. Thank you for your consideration.

    1. I feel the same way and am hoping to receive the information and template. I am so glad that there are others who are struggling but wanting to learn more and push through!

  107. Our district just implemented Wit & Wisdom this school year. I would love to see your planning template. Also, how do you feel your students performed on your state testing compared to before using W&W?

  108. Our district has several elementary schools implementing Wit & Wisdom this year. Could you share your lesson plan template and the other resources mentioned in a google document?
    Thank you so much.

  109. Thanks so much for sharing all of this. Would love to have access to the Google Drive doc / lesson plan that you refer to.

  110. It seems like Wit and Wisdom is being used across states. I am an elementary Teacher teaching grade 2 and new to WW. Can you share the resources and ways in which this program works for you.

  111. Hello! Thank you for sharing your insights on Wit & Wisdom. I am an instructional coach in a district that is piloting W&W this year and will be in full implementation next year. I’m working to support our pilot teachers and build the roll out for the district next year. I’d love to see your planning resources. Thank you!

  112. Hey Sarah!
    Thanks for the great info! My school will be starting to implement Wit and Wisdom after Christmas. Would you mind sharing the google drive and any other resources your might have to help make implementation easier. I appreciate any help!

  113. Hi
    I am loving reading your posts about W & W. We are piloting W & W this year in our 4th grade and considering bringing it in to other grades as well.
    I have been trying to identify any other Jewish Day Schools using Wit and Wisdom to discuss how they are implementing. We are a dual curriculum school and don’t have the luxury of 90+ minutes for ELA every day.
    Does anyone else out there have less time than the curriculum is written for? Anyone have any thoughts on how to make it work under time restrictions?

  114. Wit and Wisdom is one of the books up for adoption in my county. I would love to see the things you have! Thank you!

  115. Can you please send me any lessons or resources, I currently work as a literacy coach and found out we are adopting W&W soon. Thank you in advance!

  116. Hello,
    Thank you for your feedback and encouraging words regarding W&W. My district is looking to possibly adopt it next fall for grades 3-6. Anything you could share with me would be greatly appreciated!

  117. I’m from Tennessee and we are strongly looking at Wit and Wisdom for ELA next year. I would greatly appreciate your link as well.
    Thank you!

  118. Hi,

    I would love if you could share your lesson plan template/resource you are using for W & W. Many of the schools I work with are looking into this program or have already have started using it. I think this would be very beneficial to share with them.

    Thank you!!!

  119. Hi!! We will be adopting the WW curriculum for 20-21. If you do not mind, please share any templates, plans, resources. I am already overwhelmed !!! 🙁
    Thank you so much!!

  120. Hi!! We will also be adopting the WW curriculum for 20-21. If you do not mind, please share any templates, plans, resources. I am a Reading Recovery teacher and Reading Specialist in my district and want to be as much informed as possible to support my teachers!!

    Thank you so much!!

    1. We will be implementing this next year, but this year we are trying it out with kg. Can you share ways you plan and prep for the lessons? I would love any resources to help implement this in a 2nd-grade classroom!!!

  121. My school is possibly adopting Wit and Wisdom for the upcoming year. I would love to know your do’s and don’ts for the program. I would also like to see your lesson plan model. Any plans or advice to help successfully implement this in my second grade classroom would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  122. We will begin using wit and wisdom in the fall… please share any and all resources for k-4. I am a literacy coach and I need as much as I can to help our teachers in the front end. Thank you!

  123. I just read this (Inside Implementation of Wit & Wisdom) and am hoping you will share your resources with me. We’ve just purchased W&W for implementation next year – it sounds like the lesson format, etc. could be very helpful as we begin our learning. Thank you!

  124. I would love any lesson planning and/or pacing resources for 3-5. We just adopted for next year.

    1. May I please get the lesson template and an other resources that can be shared. the school i am at is implementing WW this year and I am new to it as well.

  125. Hello! Our district has just adopted this curriculum, and as the literacy coach I would also appreciate any digital resources you have to share for K-4. Thanks!

  126. My district is looking into adopting Wit & Wisdom. Could you please share any resources that you have? I have signed up for the different Facebook groups to get more information. Thank you!

  127. I would love any electronic resources you are willing to share. Our district has adopted Geodes at the district level and I’d love to share anything with my teachers that will make implementation easier for them! I am also interested in learning more about Wit and Wisdom curriculum. Thanks

  128. I would love a copy of your template. We are adopting for the coming year and I am trying to get a head start. Thank you!

  129. Hi! I am the instructional ELA Coach at a K-8 school. We are implementing W&W this coming year. I would love to share the lesson plan template with my teachers, as well as any resources you have. I appreciate any help! 🙂

  130. I am an instructional coach and would love to see the lesson plan template you have been sharing. We are implementing W&W as a district this next school year. I have immersed myself in W&W this summer so far, but would appreciate any resources you have found to be useful. Thank you so much!

  131. Our district is implementing Wit & Wisdom next year. I’m interested in the digital tools you have developed as well. I appreciate your willingness to share about your implementation experience. I look forward to getting started.

  132. Our district is also implenting Wit and Wisdom next year. I would love to view the digital tools you have found helpful!
    Thank you!

  133. Our district is beginning its first year with Wit and Wisdom. I would love to have the lesson plan template as well as any digital resources that you have available.
    Thank you!

  134. Hi! This will be our first year Implementing Wit and Wisdom. I am very excited and nervous. Will you please share the lesson plan with me?

  135. Hi. This is my first year teaching Wit and Wisdom. I would love to have your lesson plan template and other materials to help me this year. Thanks so much!


  136. Hi. We are implementing Wit & Wisdom this year. I would love to see the lesson plan template and any other information that you can share. Thanks

  137. I would love if you could share your W & W lesson plan template and any other resources. I’m a principal and this is my teachers 2nd yr. of implementation so we are still working our way through. I wish my teachers could speak with you and pick your brain.

  138. I am so happy that I found your blog. I started Wit and Wisdom in 5th grade this year. I am the only ELA teacher and the only grade level in the school that is using the program. I feel like a lone ranger and I would really appreciate it if you could share the lesson plan template and resources with me. I absolutely love the curriculum and see the benefits of it but I feel like I am drowning trying to keep up.

  139. Hi, I teach 1st grade and our county as officially adopted the W&W for the K-5 grade levels. I’d love any information or lesson template you might find successful in my transition for this program. And thank you for sharing your experience!

  140. HI! Appreciate your post…your story….the advice…and the willingness to share your planning. If you are still sharing, I would appreciate having it as well as we will begin the implementation of W & W this fall. I am providing intervention and know that this curriculum does not have much in the way of intervention aside from the suggested supportive literature…which is awesome. In addition to sending the plans if you would please lend any insight on how your support team provided intervention to the students needing it…I would be very, very appreciative!
    Thank you!

  141. I would love access to your lesson plan template and any additional resources you find beneficial for planning and implementation. Our district will be implementing W&W in the fall and we would like to start our Module studies and planning ASAP.

    If you have suggestions for differentiation for diverse populations and supports that would be wonderful as well.

    Thank you in advance!

  142. Can you please share anything that you found to be useful? We are planning to pilot for fall. Thanks for sharing!

  143. I know you’ve been asked repeatedly, but can I get a copy of your lesson plan template as well?

  144. Fl teacher here, first year of Wit and Wisdom and already overwhelmed. Im moving from 3rd to 2nd. I have a copy of the teacher Ed. books, because we get the classroom sets over the summer and find that it’s all too much. Where do I start? Do I have to read all this to teach a lesson? Wondering if anyone can help, maybe even a lesson plan sample?

  145. Hello,
    I am a first time teacher who adopted Eureka math in my 3rd and 4th grade classrooms in an overseas school and the results were amazing! I am exploring homeschooling my 4th grades as we live overseas with inadequate access to good ELA teachers.
    I would like to use the W&W curriculum alongside Eureka Math. It was my good fortune to stumble upon your blog. I would greatly appreciate access to lesson templates and any other resources that you are willing to share. Thank you!

  146. I had a strong interest in your article! Thank you for sharing your experience with W&W. Could you also please email me your lesson plan template, any additional resources you find beneficial for planning and implementation? Also, I see many teachers asked for the dos and don’t. Would love to know what you found didn’t work with the curriculum too. We starting W&W this year in Tennessee. I teach high school, but given the importance of alignment, I would like to see how primary grades are preparing students for their future ELA standards. Appreciate your time and assistance.

  147. Hi!

    We are doing a pilot of Wit and Wisdom in my district in the fall. I will be supporting teachers and would appreciate any information or resources you can share!

    Thank you so much!

  148. We are using Wit and Wisdom in fifth grad. I would love to see the format you are using for planning..
    Thank You,

  149. We are in our second year of implementation after a rough first year with the pandemic. We have a couple teachers who are really struggling. Would love to share any materials you believe would help them be successful. THANK YOU! I saw your last article first and loved it. Plan to read 2 and share all with staff.

  150. Hello,
    We are adopting this for the 2022-2023 school year. I would love any resources that you have to share and I will share them with my team. Thanks so much!

  151. I would love to see what you have for 5th grade. I work with EL students and support non EL students. I’m hoping to ‘embrace’ it as you have, it hasn’t happened for me yet. Last year was my 1st year using Wit And Wisdom. Thank you for sharing your experience.

  152. I know I am late to the party, but I am a new teacher (2nd) struggling through W&W and would be so grateful for any resources you have to share! Thank you so much!

  153. Good morning! Our school will be implementing Wit and Widsom next year. I teach 1st grade and I would love any resources that you could share with me. Thanks so much!

  154. I would love to see how you broke down Wit & Wisdom for teachers at your school! Especially resources to implement it successfully and any other tips and tricks!

  155. I am piloting Wit and Wisdom with middle school ELA. I would love to have access to your Google Drive that you mention in your blog. I know we may be in different grades, but I am wanting to get a good handle on this before the new school year. I would appreciate any other sites, blogs, resources you may have found helpful. Thank you so much, Cristy

  156. Our school just adopted the curriculum and we are trying to support our teachers as best we can. We don’t have 90 minute ELA blocks. We have 60 minute ELA blocks and 40 minute small group reading blocks. We want to help navigate how to do all that’s required in the lesson. Do you mind emailing me the template you created? Any little bit helps!

  157. Hi there,
    I’ve been asked to pilot Wit and Wisdom in my 6th grade classroom. I do not have access to the materials at this time. While researching I came across your blog. Like everyone else I am trying to navigate the curriculum. I would greatly appreciate any resources/templates you can share. Thank you for your time.

  158. Hi Sarah,
    Our district is thinking about piloting Wit and Wisdom next year and we would love to see the resources you have to help support our teachers in the possible implementation.
    Thanks in advance for any support you can offer.

  159. I’m an Instructional Coach for our K-4 building. We have been using Wit & Wisdom for 3 years now. This was a huge shift in the instruction for our staff and our students and we saw great gains at first….however we are at a plateau now and my principal and I are going crazy trying to figure out why! I’d love any resources/templates of planning practices you have used. We are at the point of really looking at where our instructional focus is for our lessons now and how they align with Indiana standards. I’d love a think partner on possibly cutting out parts of the lessons? Focusing more on the standards?

  160. Hi,
    Our district adopted W&W and will begin implementing this fall. I teach 3rd grade and would appreciate access to your lesson plan template and any additional resources that may be beneficial for planning and implementing. Thank You!

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About the Author: Sarah Webb taught third and fourth grade for 10 years and now does ELL and Curriculum Support for Mad River Local Schools in Riverside, Ohio. She has a Masters in Literacy from the University of Dayton where she also teaches adjunct courses.