Jasmine Costello
Project Manager

What I Work On: I am a Project Manager at Student Achievement Partners. I lead projects that design tools and resources to support teachers and students directly. By centering those closest to the problem and applying a racial equity framework to all project design, I work collaboratively to create transformative, equity-focused solutions to issues impacting Black students and English learners in the classroom.
My Education and Experience: Before joining Student Achievement Partners I was an elementary teacher with the School District of Philadelphia. Previously, I have worked in school-based non-profit management roles serving students in Philadelphia and led research around policies for improving educational equity in Pennsylvania. My work has always centered on creating affirming and joyful learning spaces for historically marginalized and underserved students, and reallocating necessary resources in more equitable ways. I received a B.A. in Political Science from Temple University and an M.A. in Effective Learning and Teaching from the University College of London as a Fulbright Scholar.
Why I Work Here: I joined Student Achievement Partners to be a part of a team committed to serving students who have been historically and systemically underserved by our country’s education system. I believe in the power of all students to succeed, without exception, when given the necessary tools and support to thrive as their authentic selves. At SAP I am able to work with and consistently learn from other education professionals committed to this vision.
More About Me: I live in Philly with my partner and spend most of my free time reading or trying out a new recipe. Prior to joining SAP, I was a public school teacher in Philadelphia.
A Quote That Inspires Me: “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle