- 05/08/24
Math Milestones Asset Maps™ at Education for Change
Learn how teachers used Math Milestones™ tasks to elevate students’ assets in a way that empowers students to solve rich ma…
Learn how teachers used Math Milestones™ tasks to elevate students’ assets in a way that empowers students to solve rich ma…
Explore the Linguistically Sustaining tenet of our e2 Instructional Practice Framework™! In this 60-minute webinar, SAP content …
Join us as we dive into and explore the Culturally Responsive-Sustaining tenet of our e2 Instructional Practice Framework™! In t…
In this 60-minute webinar, SAP content experts will dive into Joy, one of the four tenets of the e2 Instructional Practice Framewo…
Student Achievement Partners' new CKLA Adaptation Packs focus on creating a more inclusive and affirming experience for students. …
Do you use the IPG? Learn more about the NEW Equitable x Essential (e2) Learning Walk Tool and how it expands on the IPG. In this 60-m…
This webinar shares about the development of a new resource, Math Milestones Asset Maps™. Math Milestones Asset Maps™ can b…
Coherence through the Danielson Framework For Teaching and Student Achievement Partners’ Vision of Equitable Instruction: Support…
Come join our seminar connected to the Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Course Series*, centered on Stride 1 of the&nbs…
Maybe you believe that mistakes provide students with an opportunity to learn. But, do your daily instructional practices cohere to thi…
This course will develop your knowledge of LGBTQ+ experiences and perspectives with an intersectional focus. In this course we highligh…
Attending to students' social and emotional learning, and academic understanding is critical for student success. No longer can social …
Environments and practices that support students’ social, emotional, and academic development Attending to both social and emoti…
Dr. Alfred W. Tatum once said, “out of all the texts in the world, why do I want to put this text in front of my students at this…
Student Achievement Partners is excited to share about a new initiative: Math Milestones. It includes an innovative set of resources th…
Mistake Literacy is a conceptual framework that equips schools and students with the capacity and capability to recognize, react to, an…
Instructional materials and practices are reflective of the dominant culture and perspective unless this is actively interrogated and d…
Course Description: Level up your work to “Disrupt the Canon” in your classroom with this new mini-course designed t…
Are you interested in engaging with other educators around centering Black students’ brilliance, histories, identities, and cultu…
This webinar is the second of a two-part series specifically for K-12 math teachers, delving into practical ways to reflect upon and pl…
This webinar is the first of a two-part series specifically for K-12 math teachers, delving into practical ways to reflect upon and pla…
Prioritizing students’ social and emotional needs is a critical component of creating safe and supportive learning environments. …
Build your understanding of how to support students with unfinished learning in math. Gain insight about key actions you can take to ac…
The Core Advocate Advisory Board is a group of educators from diverse backgrounds, located across the country, serving many different s…
Assessment can be harmful and dehumanizing. However, assessments can also be tools that positively support student learning, agency, id…
Join the Council of the Great City Schools and Student Achievement Partners for the final portion of a 3-part Webinar Series on Essenti…
There is a need for support, guidance, and sharing of best practices in order to meet the needs of all readers when it comes to early r…
Join the Council of the Great City Schools and Student Achievement Partners for a 3-part Webinar Series on the Early Reading Accelerato…
Join the Council of the Great City Schools and Student Achievement Partners for a 3-part Webinar Series on Addressing Unfinished Learni…
Join the Council of the Great City Schools and Student Achievement Partners for the second of a 3-part Webinar Series on Addressing Unf…
Join the Council of the Great City Schools and Student Achievement Partners for the first of a 3-part Webinar Series on Addressing Unfi…
There is a need for support, guidance, and sharing of best practices in order to meet the needs of all readers when it comes to early r…
How can we disrupt the canon and move towards anti-racist teaching, as we keep complex text at the center of instruction? Leaning on th…
There is a need for support, guidance, and sharing of best practices in order to meet the needs of all readers when it comes to early r…
The teaching and learning of fraction concepts is complex and intricate. Join this webinar to learn about the new ATC fraction collecti…
Teachers across the country are asking: How can we accelerate the literacy development of our early readers this year? Reading science …
In this self-paced course, we will work on how to improve literacy outcomes for older students who are reading below grade level. Parti…
As we approach a school year that will be impacted by a pandemic and conversations about social justice, equity in education is imperat…
This school year poses many questions for teachers looking to connect with students in either a hybrid or remote learning model. How do…
Build your understanding of reading foundational skills through this seven-part professional learning mini-course. Delve into the compo…