Philip Daro
Philip Daro works to advance the design and use of improvement tools at every level of the educational system, and he consults with states and school districts on their accountability systems and mathematics programs. He was a lead writer of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. He directed the New Standards Project and Research and Development for the National Center for Education and the Economy (NCEE) - there his responsibilities included test development, development of mathematics curriculum, and staff development programs. He has consulted for the New York City School District, the El Paso Collaborative, Los Angeles School District, Chicago Public Schools, Denver Public Schools, states of Vermont, Georgia, Kentucky, Rhode Island, and California and others. He directed large scale teacher professional development programs for the University of California including the California Mathematics Project and the American Mathematics Project. His sixteen years at the University included six years directing projects to help states develop standards, accountability and testing systems. He has taught mathematics and has held leadership positions with the California Department of Education. He has served on many committees including: NAEP Validity Committee; RAND Mathematics Education Research Panel; College Board Mathematics Framework Committee; ACHIEVE Technical (Assessment) Advisory Group, Mathematics Work Group; Technical Advisory Committee to National Goals Panel for World Class Standards, National Governors Association; Title I Commission organized by Council of Chief State School Officers; Mathematical Sciences Education Board of the National Research Council; California Public Broadcasting Commission; and The Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities (WASC). He is currently working with the Pearson Foundation and the Gates Foundation to develop a digital curriculum for mathematics from Kindergarten to the college ready level.