- 09/27/13 | Adjusted: 02/11/16 | 7 files
- Grades 9-10
- 09/27/13 | Adjusted: 02/11/16 | 7 files
Building Historical Background Knowledge: The Road to Revolution 1754- 1776 - Two Units
- Description
- Files
This module consists of two units that serve as “bookends” to the study of the American Revolution. Unit 1 delves into the pre-Revolutionary period (1754-1776) through the close reading of primary and secondary sources. Unit 2, Post-Revolution: The Critical Period (1781 – 1787), focuses on various stakeholders unhappy with early attempts to build a new federal government.
Materials include lesson level agendas with text-dependent questions and activities, as well as formative and summative assessments. Developed as one model of what CCSS implementation might look like in a social studies classroom.