- 07/21/16 | Adjusted: 08/14/18 | 9 files
- Grade K
- 07/21/16 | Adjusted: 08/14/18 | 9 files
Character Differences (Dongarra) ©
- Description
- Files
In this lesson, students use a richly-illustrated text to identify the similarities and differences between characters. The activities are strategically sequenced to increase depth and complexity as students use evidence and a graphic organizer to explain their answers. The teacher uses several strategies to keep students focused on the task while allowing them to remain engaged in the productive struggle of the text and lesson.
This lesson addresses standards: K.L.2.d, K.RF.1.d, K.RF.2, K.RI.1, K.RI.3, K.RI.10, K.SL.1, K.SL.5, K.W.5
This video was annotated using this version of the Instructional Practice Guide (IPG). A current version of the IPG is available here.
Character Differences (Dongarra)
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