- 07/21/16 | Adjusted: 09/06/18 | 68 files
- Grade 6
- 07/21/16 | Adjusted: 09/06/18 | 68 files
Expressions and Equations (Lewner)
- Description
- Files
This lesson focuses on 6.EE.B.6 and 6.EE.C.9 - using variables to represent numbers in solving real world problems. Students are given a set of expressions and equations and a set of real world situations. Their task is to use the language in the real world scenario to match it to a corresponding expression or equation. Core Actions 2 and 3 are strongly exhibited in this lesson.
This video was annotated using this version of the Instructional Practice Guide (IPG). A current version of the IPG is available here.
Expressions and Equations (Lewner)
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