- 07/21/16 | Adjusted: 08/16/18 | 33 files
- Grade K
- 07/21/16 | Adjusted: 08/16/18 | 33 files
Adding One More (Bowles) ©
- Description
- Files
This engaging kindergarten math lesson focuses on all three aspects of rigor: students practice fluency while representing numbers; they solve an application word problem independently, and they explore the concept of adding one more. The concept development portion of this lesson focuses mainly on K.CC.B.4.c - understanding that adding one more leads to the next number in the counting sequence. Students work with partners and in whole group to develop their understanding of this content, with varying levels of support. This lesson demonstrates different aspects of Core Actions 1, 2, and 3.
This video was annotated using this version of the Instructional Practice Guide (IPG). A current version of the IPG is available here.
Adding One More (Bowles)
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