Solving Systems of Equations by Substitution (Redd) ©

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This lesson focuses on students solving systems of equations algebraically, building on the work they have previously done with graphing and using tables. Students are writing and solving equations based on information in real-world problems. This lesson strongly exhibits Core Action 1 and Core Action 2.

This video was annotated using this version of the Instructional Practice Guide (IPG). A current version of the IPG is available here.

Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /mnt/stor9-wc1-dfw1/627046/ Stack trace: #0 /mnt/stor9-wc1-dfw1/627046/ Slim\Slim::handleErrors(8192, 'Array and strin...', '/mnt/stor9-wc1-...', 316, Array) #1 /mnt/stor9-wc1-dfw1/627046/ require() #2 [internal function]: Slim\Slim::autoload('Raven_Client') #3 /mnt/stor9-wc1-dfw1/627046/ spl_autoload_call('Raven_Client') #4 [internal function]: {closure}(Object(ErrorException)) #5 /mnt/stor9-wc1-dfw1/627046/ call_user_func_array(Object(Closure), Array) #6 /mnt/stor9-wc1-dfw1/627046/ Slim\Slim->callErrorHandler(Object(ErrorException)) #7 /mnt/stor9-wc1-dfw1/627046/ in /mnt/stor9-wc1-dfw1/627046/ on line 316