- 01/11/18 | Adjusted: 02/01/18 | 3 files
- Grades
- 01/11/18 | Adjusted: 02/01/18 | 3 files
Teacher Preparation Resources: Tools and resources to meet the needs of future teachers of ELA/Literacy and Mathematics
- Description
- Files
Across the country, schools of education, education non-profits and technical assistance providers are grappling with how best to support the learning of teaching candidates. Student Achievement Partners knows it is critical to prepare future teachers to meet the demands of college- and career- ready standards. These handouts feature resources and tools that can be useful in addressing this need, descriptions of the resources, and testimonials from those in the teacher prep field who have used them in their work. Included you will find:
- ELA/Literacy Resources to Support the Shifts Required by College- and Career-Ready Standards
- Mathematics Resources to Support the Shifts Required by College- and Career-Ready Standards
- Mathematics and ELA/Literacy Resources to Support the Shifts Required by College- and Career-Ready Standards