- 01/25/20 | Adjusted: 01/25/20 | 1 file
- Grades K
- 01/25/20 | Adjusted: 01/25/20 | 1 file
I Love Saturdays y domingos by Alma Flor Ada
- Description
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Saturdays and Sundays are very special days for the young girl in this story. The little girl loves those days because she gets to spend them with her grandparents who are fun, loving and kind. On Saturdays, she visits Grandma and Grandpa, who come from a European-American background, and on Sundays--los domingos--she visits Abuelito y Abuelita, who are Mexican-American. The activities she does with each set of grandparents differ, but she enjoys spending time with both. While the two sets of grandparents are different in many ways, they also have a great deal in common--in particular, their love for their granddaughter.