• How We Work. Why We Work.

    In partnership with other passionate change-makers, we design tools and resources, professional learning, and other supports, grounded in research and the realities of the classroom. Student Achievement Partners regularly engages content experts, policy makers, partner organizations, and practitioners to reimagine just, equitable, and excellent instruction at grade level. We develop practical tools and resources to help teachers plan for and implement equitable instruction. Historically underserved students—particularly Black students and students who are English learners—are not receiving the kind of culturally, linguistically and historically relevant teaching necessary to address and eradicate educational inequities. These persistent inequities can be addressed, in part, by supporting educator learning through practice. We partner with anyone committed to bold, substantial efforts to rethink how we teach and students learn.

    How the Work Gets Done:
    Radical Collaboration We design in project-based teams based on interest and skill sets. No silos. No barriers.
    Shared Leadership. Shared Power. Anyone can suggest and lead projects. We support one another and help each other grow personally and professionally.
    Continuous Learning We're always learning. When we don't have the knowledge or skills we need, we make time to seek them out.
    Driven by Equity Grounded in Equity by Design principles*, we believe that, "Racism and Inequity are products of design. They can be redesigned." Our work incorporates processes that reflect this belief system.

    *Created by the team at Equity Meets Design. Explore their courses to build your capacity as an equityXdesigner.