- 04/04/22 | Adjusted: 01/20/23 | 0 files
- Grades K-High School
- 04/04/22 | Adjusted: 01/20/23 | 0 files
Text Analysis: Additional Supports
- Description
- Files
These resources are designed to further facilitate your work with text analysis, help you make the case for why text analysis through multiple lenses is important, and dig more deeply into the elements of culturally relevant literacy instruction.
Resource Roundup
This one-page curated collection of resources will help you:
- Facilitate reflections and conversation about race, identity, and bias
- Get to know your students
- Understand culturally relevant pedagogy
- Dig more deeply into text selection and use
- Identify multicultural texts
Lesson Examples
See more examples in the in the collection of sample text analyses and planning guides.