- 06/15/22 | Adjusted: 06/24/22 | 2 files
- Grades 1
- 06/15/22 | Adjusted: 06/24/22 | 2 files
The Sun, The Moon and The Stars Text Set
- Description
- Files
This grade 1 culturally relevant text set focuses on the story of the sun, moon, and stars. While designed for grade 1, you may choose to adapt it for different grade levels. Please consider leaving feedback on this resource using the “Send Feedback” button at the bottom of the page.
Details about this culturally relevant text set:
- Grade Level Recommendation: 1
- Key Focus Areas for Design: Identity
- Topic: Expanding students’ study of the sun, moon, and stars to include Black astronauts, scientists, artists and musicians.
- Curriculum Connection: This text set can be done as is, but is also suggested as a companion resource for EL Education, Grade 1, Module 2.
- Context/rationale/reflections: In this unit, students study the sun, moon, and stars. Students delve into the scientific concept of observable patterns as they track observations and gaze with wonder at these celestial bodies. This text set adds the voices of Black scientists, astronauts, and artists to this unit.