Synergy between College and Career Readiness Standards-Aligned Instruction and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Synergy between College and Career Readiness Standards-Aligned Instruction and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Synergy between College and Career Readiness Standards-Aligned Instruction and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy 05/16/23, Dr. Amanda Hill-Hennie
Children Should be Seen AND Heard Dismantling racism in the ELA curriculum so all children feel valued 05/12/23, Dr. Tamora McConnell
Part 3 High-Quality Curriculum Raised the Bar, But Not High Enough What we miss when we narrowly define what “high-quality” means in instructional materials 01/11/23, Adrienne Williams
Research-based AND Responsive Putting the science of reading to work for the kids in front of you 01/04/23, Catlin Goodrow
Part 2 Constantly Shifting Practice How the Shifts of the Common Core changed instruction and still missed the mark 12/15/22, Katie Keown
Part 1 The Stories We Were Sold: Reflections on Knowing Better, Doing Better in Education 12/08/22, Carey Swanson
Developing Language and Literacy With Children’s Literature and Through the Lens of a Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy Why children’s literature fosters a culturally sustaining pedagogy 12/06/22, Jennifer Benitez
We’ve Come a Long Way, Fast How Technology is Shaping the Modern Classroom in Unseen Ways 12/01/22, Zak Cohen
Learning From Mistakes: Easier Said Than Done How can you turn mistake-making into mistake-learning in your classroom? 02/04/22, Zak Cohen
Helping Our Students See Themselves and the World Through the Books They Read in Our Classrooms The impact of text selection on students 09/01/21, Sheeba Jacob
“SCCANning” Your Library for Culturally Relevant Books A method for ensuring ALL students see themselves in books 07/09/21, Kristine W. Woods, Ed.D.
Part 1 The Power of Representation in Culturally Relevant Texts Celebrating children of color in the classroom 06/22/21, Felecia Branch
You Can’t Tackle Culturally Responsive Teaching Without Addressing Teacher Language Ideologies Social justice work in the classroom begins by examining our beliefs about language. 06/14/21, Dr. Lillian Ardell
Why A Skills-Based Approach Is Failing Students in Reading A reflection on Natalie Wexler’s The Knowledge Gap 06/10/21, Kimberly Sarfde
Let’s Not Make Power ELA/Literacy Standards and Talk About Why We Didn’t Concerns about the effect of "power standards" on student learning 05/07/21, Kate Crist, Torrey Palmer
What the Data Can’t Tell Us Concerns about summative assessment in a pandemic year 03/25/21, Katie Keown, Astrid Fossum, Jun Li, John Young
Transforming Literacy Instruction An opportunity to equitably accelerate students’ literacy development 03/03/21, Amy Briggs
Part null Knowledge-Building Model Lessons for Middle and High School Rethinking how we define “text” to engage older students and accelerate learning 10/16/20, Jenni Aberli, Lauren Trahan
Part 2 What Principles Must Underlie Successful Personalized Learning? What educators should consider when selecting or using personalized learning approaches to accelerate literacy outcomes 10/09/20, Meredith Liben, Tanji Reed Marshall, Ph.D., Susan Pimentel
Part 1 Is it Possible to Use Personalized Learning to Accelerate Students’ Literacy Outcomes in the Time of COVID? Examining the research base 10/06/20, Meredith Liben, Tanji Reed Marshall, Susan Pimentel
Part null Why Teaching Justice Through Reading & Writing Cannot Wait How teachers can enact change and combat racism through purposeful discussions and literary curricula 06/14/20, Yvonne Thompson
Part null You Have a List of Culturally Diverse Texts. Now What? Guidance on facilitating classroom lessons and discussions that push student thinking 06/11/20, Keenan W. Lee, M. Ed
Part null Digital Coaching Menus Bring the Professional Learning Principles To Life Designing effective coaching sessions that reflect teacher needs 05/14/20, Kenny McKee
Part null What to Consider if You’re Adopting a New ELA/Literacy Curriculum Recommendations for how to search for a new ELA/literacy program 04/03/20, Student Achievement Partners
Part null How Does Education Research Relate to My Practice? Is your reading program working? What can you do to improve it? 02/14/20, Tori Filler, Carey Swanson