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Using Flashcards in Math

CCSS author Jason Zimba shares how he uses flashcards with his daughters.
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Creating a Coherent Math Curriculum

The Coherence Map can help you uncover gaps in understanding and find resources to supplement your instructional materials.
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Call for Common Core-Aligned Units

Achieve and SAP are looking for instructional materials aligned to the CCSS to address weaknesses in existing materials
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IMET Evolution: Math

An SAP math specialist explains how small changes to the IMET can have a big impact on users
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Publishing Review Results

Why Louisiana chose to share all its curricular reviews online and where you can see the findings
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Traditional Reviews vs. the IMET

What are the differences between a traditional review and an IMET review? A teacher who’s done both explains.
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Using What You Have

An introduction to supplementing and adapting instructional materials
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When to Use the IMET

When is the right time to use the IMET? Whether you’re purchasing, supplementing, designing, or simply building capacity, the IMET can help.

Why Not Just Crosswalk?

Reviewing instructional materials for CCSS alignment means looking for evidence of the Standards and the Shifts
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Building the Right Review Team

Today’s review teams will function differently than review teams of the past, requiring new skills and experience
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What My District Gained From Collaboration

Even when districts approach materials review processes from different perspectives – and with different objectives – collaboration provides important benefits
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Working Toward Alignment

Welcome to Aligned, a publication dedicated to the conversation about Common Core-aligned instructional materials
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Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool (IMET)

Designed by some of the lead writers of the Common Core, the IMET is a free tool that states and districts are using to evaluate the alignment of instructional materials to the Common Core
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Why We Chose this Work

One district leader explains how joining the Instructional Materials Task Force offered an opportunity for collaboration, professional development and deeper clarity on the Standards