Tara Warren
Middle School Math Teacher

The work I do: I am a 7th and 8th grade math teacher. I teach 7th grade math as well as Algebra for advanced 7th and 8th graders.
My connection to the work of Student Achievement Partners: I became aware of Student Achievement Partners in 2012 while attending a conference at Walt Disney World. I also became a Core Advocate in 2012. Over the years, I have worked as a Core Advocate in both Ohio and California where I have helped to grow the network and continually use tools on the site personally as well as for delivering professional development.
The perspective I bring to the Educator Advisory Board: I bring the perspective as a math teacher of color who has worked as a Pre-K - 8th grade teacher and coach. I believe that equitable instruction is needed in all schools and hope to support this work in every way possible.