- 01/08/15 | Adjusted: 10/09/19 | 2 files
- Grades 5
- 01/08/15 | Adjusted: 10/09/19 | 2 files
Multi-Digit Multiplication Using the Standard Algorithm Mini-Assessment
- Description
- Files
This mini-assessment is designed to illustrate the standard 5.NBT.B.5, which sets an expectation for fluently multiplying multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm. This mini-assessment is designed for teachers to use either in the classroom, for self-learning, or in professional development settings to:
- Evaluate students' progress toward the skills described by 5.NBT.B.5 in order to prepare to teach this material or to check for fluency near the end of the grade;
- Gain a better understanding of assessing fluency with multiplying multi-digit whole numbers; and
- Illustrate CCSS-aligned assessment problems.
Making the Shifts
How does this mini-assessment exemplify the instructional Shifts required by CCSSM?
Focus Belongs to the major work of fifth grade Coherence Sets the stage for multi-digit division and multi-digit decimal operations Rigor Conceptual Understanding: not targeted in this mini-assessment
Procedural Skill and Fluency: primary in this mini-assessment
Application: not targeted in this mini-assessment
Noteworthy features of this resource
- Mathematically:
- Uses a variety of factors, ranging from 3-digit by 1-digit to 4-digit by 3-digit multiplication
- Offers opportunities for students to use computation strategies in addition to computation algorithms (e.g., 740 × 9)
- Continues the learning trajectory started in grade 3 toward fluency with multiplication and division of all rational numbers
- As a mini-assessment:
- Allows the teacher to evaluate students on their skill with the content in 5.NBT.B.5in order to prepare to teach 5.NBT.B.5 or to check student progress after teaching 5.NBT.B.5
- Is easily altered to allow for repeated use, ensuring that students are gaining adequate practice toward fluency