- 07/06/15 | Adjusted: 10/09/19 | 2 files
- Grades 8
- 07/06/15 | Adjusted: 10/09/19 | 2 files
Functions Mini-Assessment
- Description
- Files
This mini-assessment is designed to illustrate the clusters 8.F.A and 8.F.B, which set an expectation for understanding functions and using functions to model relationships between quantities. This mini-assessment is designed for teachers to use either in the classroom, for self-learning, or in professional development settings to:
- Evaluate students’ understanding of 8.F.A and 8.F.B in order to prepare to teach this material or to check for student ability to demonstrate understanding and application of these concepts;
- Gain knowledge about assessing function application problems; and
- Illustrate CCSS-aligned assessment problems.
Making the Shifts
How does this mini-assessment exemplify the instructional Shifts required by CCSSM?
Focus Belongs to the major work of eighth grade Coherence Builds on previous work with algebraic patterns, input/output rules, and ratios and proportional relationships; lays the foundation for a topic that is a widely applicable prerequisite for college and careers
Rigor Conceptual Understanding: primary in this mini-assessment
Procedural Skill and Fluency: not targeted in this mini-assessment
Application: primary in this mini-assessment
Noteworthy features of this resource
- Mathematically:
- Requires both a strong understanding of functions and the ability to apply function concepts in context-free and context-rich questions
- Distinguishes between functions and equations, as the two terms are often conflated by students and teachers
- Offers a variety of real-world situations, including real-world data with rational numbers, in a grade-appropriate manner
- As a mini-assessment:
- Uses a mix of short conceptual problems with problems that require longer chains of reasoning
- Allows for teachers to evaluate students' understanding of 8.F.A and 8.F.B and their ability to apply these concepts
- Shows equations in various ways (e.g., $B=25(\frac{m}{10}+\frac{3}{4})$, $F=2.75a-7.25$) and uses a variety of variables to ensure students have conceptual understanding