- 07/19/13 | Adjusted: 02/17/17 | 3 files
- Grades K-High School
- 07/19/13 | Adjusted: 02/17/17 | 3 files
Assessment Evaluation Tool
- Description
- Files
A tool for evaluating grade or course-level assessments for alignment to the Shifts and major features of the CCSS. The AET is a tool within the Materials Alignment Toolkit, developed in partnership with Achieve, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the Council of Great City Schools (CGCS).
Use this tool to:
- Inform decisions about purchasing assessment materials or item banks designed to address a grade or course
- Evaluate previously purchased or developed assessment materials and item banks
- Guide the development or refinement of individual or sets of assessments
- Learn to recognize aligned assessments