- 08/22/16 | Adjusted: 08/22/17 | 2 files
- Grades 3-11
- 08/22/16 | Adjusted: 08/22/17 | 2 files
1. Sort Reading Mini-assessment Items by Standard
- Description
- Files
The Literacy Mini-Assessment Sorter is a Microsoft Excel file that can be used to find specific information about the questions within each reading mini-assessment. Users can use the sort-filter function of Excel to filter the sheet to help better understand the items contained within each mini-assessment. For example,
- Users can filter to find all mini-assessments for a specific grade level (e.g., grade 7) that contain a question aligned to a particular standard (e.g., Reading for Literature Standard 3) or;
- Users can filter to find all of the mini-assessments, across ALL grades or across a grade band, that contain questions aligned to a particular standard (e.g., Reading for Information Standard 9 across grades 6, 7, and 8) to see how questions change for the chosen standard as students progress through the grades.