- 01/04/17 | Adjusted: 01/14/20 | 7 files
- Grades 7
- 01/04/17 | Adjusted: 01/14/20 | 7 files
Multimedia and Arts Integration in ELA ©
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About this Lesson
Prior to reading the complex journal article, "Stereotypes and the Older Workers," students engage with a range of multimedia texts to build background knowledge around the theme "Acceptance." The layering of these multiple and varied sources allows for a rich discussion and deep understanding of the theme and the complex article. The text in this lesson can often be found in libraries or at online bookstores.
This video shows a real-life classroom, with all the real-life challenges and successes found in daily interactions between students and teachers. It has been selected because it includes illustrations of the Core Actions and Indicators embedded in the day-to-day work happening in schools, and so it offers opportunities to practice using and norming expectations around the Instructional Practice Guide: Coaching Tool. Learn more about this video and others in the collection.
Instructional Practice Toolkit
We recommend watching this lesson in the context of using the Instructional Practice Toolkit, a professional learning module designed to support understanding of planning and instruction aligned to college- and career-ready (CCR) standards. Included with the lesson video, lesson plan, student work, and teacher interview are the activity templates from the Instructional Practice Toolkit.