- 09/26/19 | Adjusted: 10/07/19 | 3 files
- Grades 2
- 09/26/19 | Adjusted: 10/07/19 | 3 files
Subtracting within 100
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About this Lesson
In this lesson, the teacher uses the enVision 2.0 guidance documents to focus on an anchor task aligned to 2.NBT.B.5. The teacher offers extensive opportunities for students to share their mathematical thinking and their use of strategies. There are also many checks for understanding.
This video shows a real-life classroom, with all the real-life challenges and successes found in daily interactions between students and teachers. It has been selected because it includes illustrations of the Core Actions and Indicators embedded in the day-to-day work happening in schools, and so it offers opportunities to practice using and norming expectations around the Instructional Practice Guide.
Instructional Practice Toolkit
We recommend watching this lesson in the context of using the Instructional Practice Toolkit, a professional learning module designed to support understanding of planning and instruction aligned to college- and career-ready (CCR) standards. Included with the lesson video are the activity templates from the Instructional Practice Toolkit.