- 06/22/20 | Adjusted: 06/22/20 | 0 files
- Grades 1-11
- 06/22/20 | Adjusted: 06/22/20 | 0 files
Integrating Social, Emotional and Academic Development: An Action Guide for School Leadership Teams
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To help principals and school leadership teams see how social and emotional learning can enhance academic performance, and how to weave social-emotional development into every aspect of school, the Aspen Institute and its partners created Integrating Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD): An Action Guide for School Leadership Teams. The guide provides practical advice, curated resources, and action steps for school leaders to improve the student experience, calling out specific equity implications in every section to give these issues priority in planning.
Co-developed with practitioner-leaders from Minneapolis and Nashville public schools, and experts from University of Chicago, Student Achievement Partners, Dana Center at UT-Austin, Education Resource Strategies, and Education First, the SEAD School Action Guide is a resource that empowers and challenges principals and their teams to address the social, emotional, and academic dimensions of learning together to advance equity. This action guide is designed to help school leaders enacting a whole-child agenda organize for planning, professional development, and continuous improvement.