- 01/10/23 | Adjusted: 01/19/23 | 0 files
- Grades K-High School
- 01/10/23 | Adjusted: 01/19/23 | 0 files
Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Instruction Using Math Language Routines
- Description
- Files
Come join our seminar connected to the Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Course Series*, centered on Stride 1 of the Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction toolkit. This will be an opportunity to learn from and connect with educators from around the country! In this seminar, we will dig into the antiracist math educator characteristic of “embracing and encouraging multiple and varying ways of sharing, showing, and communicating knowledge” in math classrooms through a focus on engaging students in collectivism and community-based learning environments. You will have the chance to hear how Mathematical Language Routines (MLRs) can be used to foster a collectivist structure in the classroom. Participants will even get to practice using an MLR! In grade-alike groups, participants will be given time to discuss building community-based learning environments in their classrooms.
Participants will receive a certificate indicating 1.25-hours of professional learning.
*Note: It is not a prerequisite for seminar participants to have taken one of the Dismantling Racism in Mathematics Instruction Courses; this seminar is open to all interested educators!
When: Thursday, January 26, 2023. 7:00PM – 8:15PM EST
Cost: Free