- 05/08/24 | Adjusted: 06/11/24 | 0 files
- Grades K-8
- 05/08/24 | Adjusted: 06/11/24 | 0 files
Math Milestones Asset Maps™ at Education for Change
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Learn how teachers used Math Milestones™ tasks to elevate students’ assets in a way that empowers students to solve rich math tasks.
In this 60-minute webinar, learn how Math Milestones™ and Education for Change, a public charter school system in Oakland, California, embarked on a journey to support teachers in interpreting and leveraging student assets towards understanding grade-level mathematics. You will hear directly from district leaders, coaches, and teachers who piloted the planning and implementation of Math Milestones Asset Maps™, which centered around how shifts in teacher mindset can impact the way they teach mathematics. Participants will walk away with a clearer understanding of how Math Milestones™ (MM) and MM Asset Maps™ can benefit educators and students. District leaders, coaches, and teachers who are interested in learning more about MM Asset Maps™ are encouraged to attend, as opportunities for further collaboration around use of MM Asset Maps™ will be shared as well!
Before joining the webinar, we encourage all participants to view the last webinar recording about Math Milestones Asset Maps™ for full context and background on the initiative.
Participants will receive a certificate indicating 1 hour of professional learning.