- 10/04/13 | Adjusted: 02/20/16 | 2 files
- Grades 2
- 10/04/13 | Adjusted: 02/20/16 | 2 files
Understanding Place Value within 1000 Mini-Assessment
- Description
- Files
This mini-assessment explores the cluster 2.NBT.A by connecting components of the place value system. It consists of carefully designed fill-in-the-blank problems. Some problems have the same answers, so that students can show understanding that bundling is flexible. This mini-assessment is designed for teachers to use either in the classroom, for self-learning, or in professional development settings to:
- See examples of how to assess for conceptual understanding;
- Identify strengths and weaknesses in students' understanding of place value to 1000 – whether before, during, or after teaching aspects of this material;
- Appreciate the intricacies of the place value system.
Making the Shifts
How does this mini-assessment exemplify the instructional Shifts required by CCSSM?
Focus Belongs to the major work of second grade Coherence Connects tightly to adding and subtracting using place value understanding and builds on earlier place value understanding Rigor Conceptual Understanding: primary in this mini-assessment
Procedural Skill and Fluency: not targeted in this mini-assessment
Application: not targeted in this mini-assessment
Noteworthy features of this resource
- Mathematically:
- Addresses all three components of the place value system: base-ten units, flexible bundling and unbundling, and positional notation
- Requires students to repeatedly make sense of quantities and their relationships, connecting quantities with symbols in the place-value system (MP.2)
- Provides opportunity for students to construct viable arguments as they develop their understanding of the place-value system (MP.3)
- As a mini-assessment:
- Allows the teacher to evaluate students on their understanding of 2.NBT.A in order to prepare to teach 2.NBT.A or to check student understanding after teaching 2.NBT.A
- Shows how teachers can target conceptual understanding with brief problems