- 01/04/17 | Adjusted: 02/03/20 | 4 files
- Grades 5
- 01/04/17 | Adjusted: 02/03/20 | 4 files
Text-Based Disagreement During Discussion ©
- Description
- Files
About this Lesson:
In this lesson, students are engaged in a shared inquiry about a piece of text, "A Game of Catch." To begin the lesson, the teacher poses an open-ended question and requires students to write down their thinking and opinion about the question, using text evidence to support their opinion. After the initial writing, students spend the majority of the lesson discussing key points from the text that support their opinions. After the discussion ends, students have an opportunity to write again about their opinions, noting if the discussion rooted in text evidence has changed students' minds.
The text in this lesson can often be found in libraries or at online bookstores. The video used in this learning experience has been edited to show the arc of the lesson. To see the full-length video, go to teachingthecore.org.
About the Instructional Practice Toolkit:
The Instructional Practice Toolkit (IPT) is designed for teachers and those who support teachers to build understanding and experience with college- and career-readiness (CCR) standards-aligned instruction. This Toolkit was designed to answer the question, “What do college- and career-ready standards look like in action?”
The Toolkit modules illustrate the throughline that connects the planning and design of a lesson, classroom instruction, and student work when they are all aligned to CCR standards. Resources in the IPT include the facilitator guide, presentation (with notes for the facilitator), and participant handouts with associated model responses for the following activities:
It is highly recommended that the presenter review all resources prior to facilitating these activities.
About this Video:
This video shows a real-life classroom, with all the real-life challenges and successes found in daily interactions between students and teachers. It has been selected because it includes illustrations of the Core Actions and Indicators embedded in the day-to-day work happening in schools, and so it offers opportunities to practice using and norming expectations around the IPG: Coaching Tool. Learn more about this video and others in the collection.
The materials on this page are currently being revised to align with the Professional Learning Principles. For updates on these resources and other Achieve the Core resources, click here to subscribe.