- 01/06/17 | Adjusted: 12/19/18 | 5 files
- Grades 9
- 01/06/17 | Adjusted: 12/19/18 | 5 files
Connotation and Exile ©
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About this Lesson
In this lesson, the teacher has students compare the positive and negative aspects of exile by examining the claims of several different authors, including Bradbury, Said, and Lev. They begin with a whole group discussion about the positive and negative connotations of their new vocabulary, using pictorial cues, and then connect this analysis to the texts they are studying. Students then work in small groups where they specifically use academic vocabulary and direct text citations to support their synthesis of the texts, using a graphic organizer. The text in this lesson can often be found in libraries or at online bookstores.
This video shows a real-life classroom, with all the real-life challenges and successes found in daily interactions between students and teachers. It has been selected because it includes illustrations of the Core Actions and Indicators embedded in the day-to-day work happening in schools, and so it offers opportunities to practice using and norming expectations around the Instructional Practice Guide: Coaching Tool. Learn more about this video and others in the collection.
Instructional Practice Toolkit
We recommend watching this lesson in the context of using the Instructional Practice Toolkit, a professional learning module designed to support understanding of planning and instruction aligned to college- and career-ready (CCR) standards. Included with the lesson video, lesson plan, student work, and teacher interview are the activity templates from the Instructional Practice Toolkit.