- 07/21/16 | Adjusted: 08/14/18 | 8 files
- Grade 8
- 07/21/16 | Adjusted: 08/14/18 | 8 files
Questioning Poetry (Troetti) ©
- Description
- Files
In this lesson, students bring to class annotations and questions to help analyze a poem. The teacher draws the student's attention to concepts and ideas, and then encourages them to move towards a deeper understanding. Students collaboratively evaluate the quality of their own questions, then use those questions to discuss and dig deeply into the poem's central message and theme. Finally, this poem was compared to a previous day's reading of "I Hear America Singing" by Walt Whitman. The texts in this lesson can often be found in libraries or at online bookstores. If you need support finding these texts, please reach out to us by clicking the “send feedback” button below.
This lesson addresses standards: 8.RL.1, 8.RL.2, 8.RL.5, 8.RL.10, 8.SL.1, 8.SL.1.a
This video was annotated using this version of the Instructional Practice Guide (IPG). A current version of the IPG is available here.
Questioning Poetry (Troetti)
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