- 03/20/17 | Adjusted: 01/26/18 | 1 file
- Grades K
- 03/20/17 | Adjusted: 01/26/18 | 1 file
Tops and Bottoms
- Description
- Files
This book is a trickster tale about Hare and Bear. Hare is in debt and needs money so he can feed his family. Hare convinces the lazy Bear to become business partners and lets the bear choose whether he will get the tops or bottoms of the crops that hare plants. Each time, Bear chooses and then Hare plants the kind of plant that will yield him, not Bear, results. For example, when Bear chooses the tops of the plants, Hare plants crops that have only edible bottoms (such as carrots). When Bear chooses bottoms, Hare plants crops that are edible only on the top such as lettuce. Bear finally gets angry and decides that he will not sleep through the planting and harvest time anymore and will do his own work.