- 04/04/17 | Adjusted: 01/26/18 | 1 file
- Grades K
- 04/04/17 | Adjusted: 01/26/18 | 1 file
- Description
- Files
The text is about a mouse named Chrysanthemum who learns, with the help of her teacher, to love her name and appreciate it for its uniqueness – just as she is unique. Chrysanthemum thinks her name is absolutely perfect—until her first day of school. "You're named after a flower!" teases Victoria. "Let's smell her," says Jo. Chrysanthemum wilts. Life at school doesn’t make her feel absolutely perfect – she feels absolutely dreadful. Then, she meets the music teacher Mrs. Twinkle and Chrysanthemum blooms! Chrysanthemum is a funny and honest school story about teasing, self-esteem, and acceptance to share all year round.