- 08/06/20 | Adjusted: 10/05/20 | 1 file
- Grades K-2
- 08/06/20 | Adjusted: 10/05/20 | 1 file
Foundational Skills Guidance Document
- Description
- Files
This guide outlines the essential instructional components to teach early reading skills. It helps teachers build their own knowledge of the components of foundational skills: print concepts, phonological awareness, phonics and word recognition, and fluency. It also provides helpful rules of thumb, suggested activities, and grade-specific best practices to support the explicit teaching of foundational skills.
Included are:
- Content: The Components of Foundational Skills
- Instructional Moves: The “How” of Foundational Skills
- Grade-Level-Specific Guidance for Kindergarten
- Grade-Level-Specific Guidance for 1st Grade
- Grade-Level-Specific Guidance for 2nd Grade
- Pitfalls or Challenges FAQs
- Foundational Skills Weekly Planning Template
- Effective Enhancements
- Decodable Readers Protocol
- Foundational Skills Assessment Protocol
- Phonemic Awareness in Young Children: Simplified Scope and Sequence
- Formative Assessments for Phonological Awareness
- Phonological Awareness Diagnostic Tracker