- 03/10/22 | Adjusted: 03/17/22 | 1 file
- Grades 5
- 03/10/22 | Adjusted: 03/17/22 | 1 file
5.NBT.A.1 Lesson with Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD) Theme
- Description
- Files
This grade 5 lesson brings Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD) themes into the classroom through practice with understanding place value and fluently multiplying times 10 (5.NBT.A.1). This task was adapted from Illustrative Mathematics and utilizes the lesson planning template from Stride 3: A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction: Creating Conditions to Thrive.
Additional Features
- Strategies for multilingual learners
- Asset-based approach that builds on existing knowledge
- Multiple pathways to solving problems
- Deepens student understanding of place value and fluency solving "10 times as much"
- Integrated connections between SEAD themes and the mathematics of the lesson