- 04/25/23 | Adjusted: 04/25/23 | 0 files
- Grades K-High School
- 04/25/23 | Adjusted: 04/25/23 | 0 files
The Danielson Group & Student Achievement Partners Webinar Series
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Coherence through the Danielson Framework For Teaching and Student Achievement Partners’ Vision of Equitable Instruction: Supporting Teacher and Student Growth
Join the Danielson Group and Student Achievement Partners for a three-part, 90 minute webinar series on connecting the Framework for Teaching and Student Achievement Partners’ new Vision for Equitable Instruction. Both organizations recognize the essential need to build staff capacity, create a culture for learning, and align district and school initiatives to practice. This series will focus on analyzing practice and identifying content-based steps towards teacher and student achievement. Based on your school, network, or district needs, you can purchase individual sessions ($35) or purchase as a bundle of all three ($99). Sessions are designed to address and support teachers, instructional coaches, school leaders, and district or state-level staff. We look forward to your participation on May 10, 17, and/or 24th at 1 PM EST.
Session 1: Integrating Equitable Instruction with Knowing and Valuing Students
May 10th | 1pm EST
Participants will learn about the elements of 1b: Knowing and Valuing Students such as respect for students’ identities, knowledge of the whole child, and process and learning differences across content. Using these elements, participants will connect identity work to grade-level, joyful, culturally responsive-sustaining and linguistically sustaining ELA/literacy and math instruction. Leave knowing more about what it looks like to create a learning community where equitable instruction and content work together to build students’ sense of belonging, safety, and affirmation.
Session 2: Engaging Students in Equitable Math Instruction
May 17th | 1pm EST
In this session, participants will learn about the elements of 3c: Engaging Students in Learning like rich learning experiences, collaboration, instructional materials, and opportunities for thinking in mathematics. With these elements, attendees will participate in a rich math activity connecting equity to grade-level, joyful, culturally responsive-sustaining and linguistically sustaining instruction. Leave with a tool to support identifying and reflecting on key indicators of student engagement in equitable math instruction in action. Apply this thinking to your classroom, school, network, or district with fellow participants.
Session 3: Engage Students in Equitable ELA/Literacy Instruction
May 24th | 1pm EST
In this session, participants will learn about the elements of 3c: Engaging Students in Learning like rich learning experiences, collaboration, instructional materials, and opportunities for thinking in ELA/literacy instruction. With these elements, attendees will analyze literacy instruction through the lenses of grade-level, joyful, culturally responsive-sustaining and linguistically sustaining instruction. Leave with a tool to support identifying and reflecting on key indicators of student engagement in equitable ELA/literacy instruction in action. Apply this thinking to your classroom, school, network, or district with fellow participants.