Articles Tagged with “Aligned systems”
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Digital Coaching Menus Bring the Professional Learning Principles To Life

What to Consider if You’re Adopting a New ELA/Literacy Curriculum

Not Your Mom’s Professional Development

Designing and Integrating a Grade 3 Assessment on Fractions

Most Misunderstood Math Standards in Grade 1

Strong Materials in the Hands of Great Teachers

On Curriculum: How Pinterest and TpT Exacerbate Inequity

Designing a Holistic Learning Experience

Social Emotional Learning and Academic Content: A Natural Pairing

The Role of Educators in Summative Assessment: The Life Cycle of a Question

Materials Alignment Quick Check

The Math Gap Between High School and College

A Five-Course Meal Complete with Strategies for Assessment

The Instructional Practice Toolkit: An Introduction

Forming a United Whole – The Coherence Map

Training Materials for the ELA/Literacy IMET

Adapting Journeys Common Core

Sitting Beside the Learner: The ‘Me’ in Assessments

Unlocking the Power of Aligned Materials

CCSS-Aligned Materials for ELL Students

Essential Knowledge for Adapting Math Instructional Materials

Why We’re Choosing Instructional Materials Blindly

Choosing Wisely: A Strategic Approach to Curriculum in Duval County

K-12 OER Collaborative’s Request for Proposals

What Needs to Change in Instructional Materials: ELA

Teachers Create Lessons and Adaptations to Strengthen ELA Learning