Dr. John W. Young
Senior Research Fellow
2014 NERA Presidential Address (p. 12-15)

What I Work On: I am the Senior Research Fellow with Student Achievement Partners, and I provide intellectual leadership and project-based support for our research and evaluation activities.
Why I Work Here: I have been working at Student Achievement Partners since 2018. I do this work because I believe in the promise of high academic standards and the need for high-quality instruction for all students. At present, far too many students in this country are being denied the opportunity to fully realize their talents and skills.
My Education and Experience: Before joining Student Achievement Partners in 2018, I was an Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at Rutgers University, Director of the Higher Education research group at the Educational Testing Service, and the Head of Research for the International Baccalaureate. I hold a B.A. in psychology from New York University, an Ed.M. in education from Harvard University, and a M.S. in statistics and a Ph.D. in educational research from Stanford University.
More About Me: As someone raised in modest circumstances as a child of immigrants, I appreciate the many opportunities that a high-quality education has provided me. Thus, my professional career has been devoted to increasing educational equity for all students while maintaining the highest standards of excellence.
A Quote That Inspires Me: “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” ― Nelson Mandela
Notable Contributions on Achieve the Core:
- Comparing Reading Research to Program Design: An Examination of Teachers College Units of Study
- Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Foundations, Related Theories and Approaches, Precursors, and Applications
- Preparation for Success in Algebra: Exploring Math Education Relationships by Analyzing Large Data Sets (EMERALDS)
- Reading as Liberation—An Examination of the Research Base