- 06/17/21 | Adjusted: 07/12/21 | 2 files
- Grades K-High School
- 06/17/21 | Adjusted: 07/12/21 | 2 files
Preparation for Success in Algebra: Exploring Math Education Relationships by Analyzing Large Data Sets (EMERALDS)
- Description
- Files
The Exploring Math Education Relationships by Analyzing Large Data Sets (EMERALDS) study was one of the largest longitudinal assessments of what mathematics prepares students for success in Algebra.
Algebra is a passport for expanding postsecondary opportunities, and a tool for navigating the quantitative demands of daily life. This unprecedented study is an attempt to identify specific mathematical competencies in earlier grades that provide the most critical foundation for success in algebraic areas in later grades in an effort to inform policy that will improve outcomes and better support all students, but especially those who are Black, Latino, English learner-designated, experiencing poverty, and/or female and have been historically underserved. This study used anonymized data to try to glean insights, not for the purposes of looking critically at students or teachers, but rather for the purposes of looking critically at the educational system as a whole and school mathematics itself.
- Principal Investigator: David C. Geary, Ph.D.
- Data Analysis Partners:
Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University
Educational Testing Service
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