- 03/01/19 | Adjusted: 07/30/21 | 1 file
- Grades K-High School
- 03/01/19 | Adjusted: 07/30/21 | 1 file
High School Mathematics: The Reveal of the Extended Coherence Map (2019 March Webinar)
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Is the Coherence Map one of your favorite tools on Achieve the Core? In this webinar, we will dive into the extension of the map through High School. You'll learn about decisions that were made regarding course structures, plus standards, and child/parent standards. And you'll learn why mapping the conceptual category of Modeling for high school may be one of the most intriguing aspects of the revised map.
This webinar offers a certificate verifying professional learning time on the topic. To receive this certificate, select the “Access On-Demand” option and complete the webinar as a registered participant.
This learning experience will be most powerful if used as part of a comprehensive, ongoing program of content-specific professional learning. To learn more, see the Professional Learning Principles.