- 08/10/21 | Adjusted: 06/27/22 | 0 files
- Grades K-High School
- 08/10/21 | Adjusted: 06/27/22 | 0 files
Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD) in Math Classrooms
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Prioritizing students’ social and emotional needs is a critical component of creating safe and supportive learning environments. As teachers welcome students back to classrooms this fall, this attention to social and emotional needs includes helping students transition back to in-person learning, responding to trauma due to COVID-19, and reflecting on the increased visibility of systemic racism.
We are excited to offer a professional learning series specifically for K-12 math teachers, delving into practical ways to reflect upon and plan for math instruction that reflects Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD). We’ll leverage a new resource, A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction, specifically one of the workbooks that helps math teachers integrate Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD) into math lessons: Creating Conditions to Thrive: Environments and practices that support students’ social, emotional, and academic development.
Beginning the year with attention to students' social and emotional learning as well as their academic understanding, is critical for student success. No longer can social emotional learning and content be taught in isolation. In this webinar, the first in a two-part series, you will understand the need for social, emotional, and academic development (SEAD) in the content area of math and the connections between SEAD and equitable practices for teaching and learning. Current teachers will share resources that support students' needs while engaging them in grade-level content.
Focusing on social, emotional, and academic development has not always happened in math classrooms. In this webinar, the second in a two-part series, you will learn how the Standards for Mathematical Practice intersect with social, emotional, and academic development themes, and how they can be utilized in lessons to create a learning environment that focuses on both SEAD and strong, grade-level mathematics instruction. You’ll be introduced to a lesson planning template that walks teachers through planning that incorporates SEAD into math lessons and hear from educators about how they’ve used it to improve their instruction.
Attending to students' social and emotional learning, and academic understanding is critical for student success. No longer can social emotional learning and content be taught in isolation. This webinar shares strategies for planning with intentional focus on the SEAD themes of belonging, identity, discourse, and agency and get practical resources to use in your classroom. It highlights relevant resources available on Achieve the Core and related professional learning opportunities.