- 09/15/16 | Adjusted: 12/15/17 | 1 file
- Grades K-High School
- 09/15/16 | Adjusted: 12/15/17 | 1 file
A Teachers' Guide to the Common Core: A Resource Guide for Success in English Language Arts for Teachers who Work with English Learners and Students with Disabilities
- Description
- Files
As stated in this publication, "The purpose of this guide is to assist specialists and mainstream educators to engage in professional dialogues and practices:
- to gain a deeper understanding of the shifts and how they apply to English learners and students with disabilities;
- to incorporate critical strategies for addressing the instructional needs of English learners and students with disabilities; and
- to develop lessons plans that meet the requirements of the ELA Common Core State Standards and include instructional accommodations for English learners and students with disabilities.
This guide provides the following resources for implementing the CCSS with English learners and students with disabilities:
- Identification and explanation of the ELA instructional shifts
- Strategies and instructional considerations
- Lesson planning guide and template
- Exemplar lesson
- Digital resources to deepen and expand understanding"