- 03/22/17 | Adjusted: 02/09/18 | 2 files
- Grades 1
- 03/22/17 | Adjusted: 02/09/18 | 2 files
The Mysterious Tadpole with Companion Text Set
- Description
- Files
In this illustrated text, the main character, Louis, receives a special tadpole from his uncle. Louis and his classmates observe the tadpole as it develops into a frog. It soon becomes clear that his tadpole is no ordinary frog as it outgrows it containers. Louis has to figure out a way to keep this unusual pet because it keeps growing bigger and bigger. It also does other unusual things such as eating cheeseburgers, playing soccer, and excelling at obedience school. Louis decides to make the most of the situation and uses Alphonse to find treasure and help him solve his problem. The treasure is used to benefit the whole city. Although Louis’ gift proves to be no ordinary tadpole, it turns out to be something even better, as Alphonse and Louis develop a beautiful friendship.