- 11/07/18 | Adjusted: 08/24/21 | 1 file
- Grades K-High School
- 11/07/18 | Adjusted: 08/24/21 | 1 file
Placing Text at the Center of the Standards-Aligned ELA Classroom
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This paper intends to articulate the vision for what an evidence-based model for text-centered instruction could look like (that includes strategies instruction in the way that research suggests is productive), and to make the case for interim assessment reporting categories that would help drive that instruction. The breakdown in knowledge regarding the building blocks fostering strong readers is ultimately a problem that needs to be addressed in the longer term via overhauled teacher preparation programming and better interim assessment analysis. But we cannot wait for the long term. There is much we can and should do immediately to advance current classroom practices so texts are at the center of classroom instruction and assessment.
Below, you’ll find a supplemental, quick-reference guide with both short and long-term strategies for improving reading skills. These strategies are based on the research cited in the paper.