- 09/05/19 | Adjusted: 07/30/21 | 1 file
- Grades K-High School
- 09/05/19 | Adjusted: 07/30/21 | 1 file
Formative Assessment Strategy: Thinking Beyond the Paper Pencil Test (2019 September Webinar)
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This school year, think differently about what it means to assess your students. Learning about what your students know (and don’t know) is a critical component of instructional planning and reflection. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to design a formative assessment process that allows you to understand students’ progress in an ongoing way throughout the year. You’ll learn some creative ways to naturally embed assessment into your instruction, providing thoughtful, supportive feedback to students, and timely data for yourself as an educator. In addition, we discuss the components formative assessments that are worthy of student and educator time, and explore how data should be used responsibly to avoid inequitable outcomes that limit the expectations we have for students.
This webinar offers a certificate verifying professional learning time on the topic. To receive this certificate, select the “Access On-Demand” option and complete the webinar as a registered participant.
This learning experience will be most powerful if used as part of a comprehensive, ongoing program of content-specific professional learning. To learn more, see the Professional Learning Principles.