- 06/17/20 | Adjusted: 07/30/21 | 1 file
- Grades K-High School
- 06/17/20 | Adjusted: 07/30/21 | 1 file
Reading, Learning, Growing Creative Ideas to Build Knowledge and Support Literacy Across Subjects (June 2020 Webinar)
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Building knowledge of the world is one of the best ways to empower students and accelerate their learning. What does it mean to “build knowledge” and how can educators do so in ways that are engaging and enriching to all students? Join this webinar to dig into how to leverage the funds of knowledge all students already have, enrich their knowledge of the world, and use text, media, podcasts, and more to create meaningful learning experiences for all.
This webinar offers a certificate verifying professional learning time on the topic. To receive this certificate, select the “Access On-Demand” option and complete the webinar as a registered participant.
This learning experience will be most powerful if used as part of a comprehensive, ongoing program of content-specific professional learning. To learn more, see the Professional Learning Principles.