Synergy between College and Career Readiness Standards-Aligned Instruction and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Synergy between College and Career Readiness Standards-Aligned Instruction and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Executive Functions and Literacy Skills in the Classroom Understanding and increasing our students' ability to attend to academic tasks 09/15/23, Sarah Armstrong
Connecting and Communicating With Families to Help Break Down Barriers to Learning Ensuring family access and understanding in the classroom 08/24/23, Sarah Armstrong
Part 9 Culture, Community, and Collaboration How discovering student assets helped me create a culture of community and collaboration 08/16/23, Ariel McDaniel
Part 7 “Can I have this? Can I have that?” What happens when students are able to request any tools they might want to help solve a problem? 07/26/23, Jana Bryant
Part 6 How Can We Uncover and Leverage What Students Do Know Rather Than What They Don’t Yet Know? 07/19/23, Rachel Erickson
Part 2 Unexpected Assets: Beyond the “Right” Answer Highlighting the Standards for Mathematical Practice in Math Milestones™ Tasks 06/15/23, Megan Smith
Part 4 Strategies to Empower Parents/Caregivers of Multilingual Learners Leveraging Spanish-speaking parents’/caregivers’ language for at-home learning support 05/23/23, Luisa Palacio
Part 1 Serving Language Learners From an Asset-Based Lens Setting the Stage for Language Learner Success Through an Asset-Based Lens 02/03/23, Mary Phillips, Xatli Stox
Text Complexity is…well…complex! Shifting perspectives about high-interest, low-level texts. 01/26/23, Shanita Rapatalo
Part 3 High-Quality Curriculum Raised the Bar, But Not High Enough What we miss when we narrowly define what “high-quality” means in instructional materials 01/11/23, Adrienne Williams
Research-based AND Responsive Putting the science of reading to work for the kids in front of you 01/04/23, Catlin Goodrow
Part 2 Constantly Shifting Practice How the Shifts of the Common Core changed instruction and still missed the mark 12/15/22, Katie Keown
Developing Language and Literacy With Children’s Literature and Through the Lens of a Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy Why children’s literature fosters a culturally sustaining pedagogy 12/06/22, Jennifer Benitez
We’ve Come a Long Way, Fast How Technology is Shaping the Modern Classroom in Unseen Ways 12/01/22, Zak Cohen
Meeting the Needs of Every Student No Matter What 5 ways to meet students' academic and emotional needs 12/16/20, Tika Epstein
Part null Enhancing Remote Learning and Student Engagement With Online Tools Five tools to make virtual learning more social for students 10/30/20, Aaron Grossman
Part null Building a Culture of Advocacy Building a culture of advocacy is a continuous effort 10/23/20, Dr. Janice K. Wyatt-Ross
Part 2 What Principles Must Underlie Successful Personalized Learning? What educators should consider when selecting or using personalized learning approaches to accelerate literacy outcomes 10/09/20, Meredith Liben, Tanji Reed Marshall, Ph.D., Susan Pimentel
Part null Two Facts: We Are Better Together, And We Can Do Hard Things Exploring what it means to be “good at math" 09/18/20, Brian Dean
Designing Equitable Learning Environments Intentional instructional practice decisions, with a specific focus on mathematics 09/11/20, Amber Cook
Part null How to Keep Virtual Live Lessons Running Smoothly? It Takes Two A two-person model can improve the flow and engagement in virtual lessons 09/03/20, Matt Kerrigan
Part null Planning for Math Remediation Just-In-Case or Just-In-Time? 08/13/20, Sarah Britton, Jami Therrien Wells
Part null Amplifying Student Voices During Distance Learning Using asynchronous tools to create a math share-out for the kindergarten classroom 07/17/20, Bethany Lockhart Johnson
Part null Why Teaching Justice Through Reading & Writing Cannot Wait How teachers can enact change and combat racism through purposeful discussions and literary curricula 06/14/20, Yvonne Thompson
Part null You Have a List of Culturally Diverse Texts. Now What? Guidance on facilitating classroom lessons and discussions that push student thinking 06/11/20, Keenan W. Lee, M. Ed
Part null Refocusing on Your Learners 5 ideas to create a student-centered classroom 05/28/20, Tamera Musiowsky-Borneman
Part null Distance Learning with Intention and Purpose Ideas for engaging and connecting students during distance learning. 05/11/20, Marya Hay
Part null 5 Ideas to Engage K-2 Students in Math Remotely Using video, interactive platforms, and at-home materials to support math instruction for young students 05/06/20, Chris Fishpaw
Part null Class and Family Book Tasting During Distance Learning Designing reading activities to engage K-12 students at home 04/28/20, Tika Epstein
Part null 3 Recommendations for Supporting Early Elementary Students Remotely A kindergarten teacher shares strategies and advice 04/17/20, Lindsay Arnold
Part null Top 5 Resources for Learning Online Free, standards-aligned resources to facilitate remote learning 03/20/20, Tika Epstein
Part null Designing for Equity (Teachers as Designers) Helping folks who care about equity do equity. 02/27/20, Dr. Christine Ortiz
Part null Finding the Courage to Teach Texts Outside Your Comfort Zone (2019 Blog Competition Finalist) Teaching texts that honor difference and inspire challenging conversations 02/21/20, Rhiannon Hartman Dunn
Part null Creating a Culture of Shared Norms and High Expectations in Your Classroom (2019 Blog Competition Finalist) How to create a culture that facilitates powerful learning for ALL learners 02/21/20, Matthew Shea
Part null Say “Author” (2019 Blog Competition Finalist) Strategies for including all learners in discussions about complex text 02/21/20, Shannon Hahne
Part null How Does Education Research Relate to My Practice? Is your reading program working? What can you do to improve it? 02/14/20, Tori Filler, Carey Swanson
Part null Tidying Up Instructional Routines for Whole-Class Reading and Writing 01/22/20, Jon Gustafson
Part null Reaching New Heights A Framework for Examining Cognitive Complexity in Mathematics 01/06/20, Shelbi Cole, Ph.D, Ted Coe, Ph.D
Part null For the Love of Learning How a focus on building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction can enrich ELA instruction and engage learners 12/08/19, Carey Swanson
Part null Math Instructional Routines: Creating Opportunities for Students With Disabilities to Grapple with Grade-Level Math How Routines for Reasoning can support all students to engage with the mathematical practices 12/01/19, Grace Kelemanik, Amy Lucenta
Part null I See Me Building a diverse classroom library with the help of First Book Marketplace 11/24/19, Tamika Peters
Part null Designing and Integrating a Grade 3 Assessment on Fractions A Q&A With Raven Redmond and Jennifer Ahearn 11/15/19, Raven Redmond, Jennifer Ahearn
Part null What Makes a High-Quality Diverse Text and How to Get These Texts Into Your Classroom Resources and guidance for educators 11/13/19, Jill Eisenberg
Part null A New Way to Consider Cognitive Demand in ELA Assessments A Framework for Text Complexity in ELA and Reading 11/08/19, Katie Keown
Part null Laying a Solid Foundation of Literacy Building Teacher Capacity with the Reading Foundational Skills 11/04/19, Darla O'Leary
Part null Robust Vocabulary Instruction Bringing Knowledge-Rich Curricula to Life 09/30/19, Jon Gustafson
Part 1 Most Misunderstood Math Standards in Grade 1 Are these instructional mistakes happening in your classroom? 09/23/19, Angie Miller
Part 3 Yarn Number Line: A Lever to Develop Fraction Understanding A routine for developing conceptual understanding of fractions 04/18/19, Jennie Beltramini, Jody Guarino
Part 2 Choral Counting: A Lever to Develop Fraction Understanding A model process for using choral counting to build conceptual understanding 02/28/19, Jennie Beltramini, Jody Guarino
Part null Giving Students a Choice with Their Learning Using academic choice boards to build metacognition 12/21/18, Tika Epstein
Part null Effective Reading Instruction Why a text-centered approach, instead of a strategies-based approach, is more effective 11/16/18, Meredith Liben, Sue Pimentel
Part 3 Wit & Wisdom: Implementation Dos and Don’ts Lessons learned from teachers who've implemented the curriculum 11/07/18, Sarah Webb
Part 5 Most Misunderstood Math Standards in Grade 5 Are these instructional mistakes happening in your classroom? 10/31/18, Rebecca Few
Part 1 Addressing Common Challenges with Student Writing Why aren’t students successful writers and what can teachers do to help? 10/09/18, Zackory Kirk
Part 4 Most Misunderstood Math Standards in Grade 4 Are these instructional mistakes happening in your classroom? 10/04/18, Rebecca Few
Part null Doing Better: Aligned Instructional Practice An overview of the Instructional Practice Guide suite of tools 09/19/18, Destiny Eldridge, April Pforts
Part 3 Most Misunderstood Math Standards in Grade 3 Are these instructional mistakes happening in your classroom? 09/13/18, Rebecca Few
Part null Building A Culturally Responsive Classroom Why building a culturally responsive classroom matters for the success of ALL students 09/07/18, Jill Yamasawa Fletcher
Part null Making the Connection Between Materials and Instruction Why instructional practice should be at the heart of all instructional materials decisions 08/20/18, Sandra Alberti
Part null Seeing College- and Career-Ready Standards through Instruction Exploring the updates to the Instructional Practice Guide 08/15/18, Lisa Goldschmidt
Part null Creating and Sequencing Text-Dependent Questions to Support English Language Learners Strategic selection and organization of questions can be a scaffold that helps English learners grapple with highly complex questions. 08/01/18, Claire Rivero
Part null Considering Reading Instruction with the End in Mind Meet students not only where they are, but also where they're going. 07/30/18, Carey Swanson
Part null Formative Assessments and Feedback in the Digital Age How implementing Pear Deck changed my classroom. 07/06/18, Jeff Crayton
Part null Inspiring Writers A process for supporting writing practice with K-2 English Language Learners 06/22/18, Astrid Emily Francis
Part 4 Re-Teaching Doesn’t Always Mean Repeating Consider alternative ways to re-teach when students struggle with new content 06/12/18, Kristi Gettelman
Part null enVisionmath 2.0: Focusing the K-5 Mathematics Curriculum The process and the documents one district designed to support alignment of their curriculum to the standards. 05/30/18, Jaime Pitkin
Part 2 To Write or Not to Write? There is No Question! Part 2 Activities to support the connection between reading and writing 05/22/18, Dr. Deborah Glaser
Part null Making enVisionmath 2.0 Work An Introduction to Adapting enVisionmath 2.0 K-5 04/25/18, Anna Schattauer Paillé, Marni Greenstein
Part 4 How much time do you need to create a foundation for literacy? One coach’s reflection on increasing the foundational skills block 03/21/18, Lauren Hurley Wilson
Part null A Visit to Monticello-Brown Summit Elementary School Though this literacy program uses leveled readers, it focuses on building knowledge through topic-based units and ensures students are not limited to a single reading level 02/28/18, Barbara Davidson, David Liben
Part 1 Inside Implementation of Wit and Wisdom Bringing complex content and instruction into a high-needs school district 01/04/18, Sarah Webb
Part null Three APPS to Support Students with Special Needs Helping All Kids Grapple with Grade-Level Content 12/21/17, Dr. Bryan Drost
Part 2 Addressing unfinished learning in the context of grade-level work Not all unfinished learning should be treated the same way 12/06/17, Chrissy Allison
Part null Creating Student Empowerment Through Your Garden-Variety Graphic Organizer How I use graphic organizers in my classroom to promote student independence 11/30/17, Alison Killy
Part null A Five-Course Meal Complete with Strategies for Assessment Concrete strategies to help classroom educators get involved with assessment design 11/21/17, Bryan Drost
Part null The Many Positive Uses for Assessment Three ways to use assessment for good 11/15/17, Rob Woodworth
Part null Don’t be afraid to ask… Advice for where to ask--and find answers--to your education questions 11/05/17, Student Achievement Partners
Part null Designing Effective Homework Best practices for creating homework that raises student achievement 10/13/17, Claire Rivero